Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

Getting to The Root of Our Problem: Sickness - Session 7 - Part E-1

I. What Word Says About Sickness: Session 7 - Part E-1

8. Jesus HAS Finished EVERYTHING – Session 7 – Part E-1

Jesus has finished EVERYTHING for us; all that needed to be done to atone for Adam’s sin, is complete! I keep repeating this because I want you all to get this fact in your soul, once and for all. You don’t have to work to earn your healing; Jesus has completed the work for you – just believe and receive His finished work. John 7:38 tells us that if we believe in Jesus (believe in what He HAS DONE for us), rivers of LIVING WATERS WILL flow CONTINUALLY from our inner most being – our spirit man. The rivers of living waters are not flowing, because we choose to agree with the devil by believing the symptoms in our bodies, instead of believing God’s Word!

We don’t have a faith problem, God has given each of us a measure of faith and the Word says, if we had faith the size of a mustard seed (which is a tiny seed), we can speak to the mountain and command it to be pluck up and cast into the sea and it will obey. Therefore, we don’t need more faith, we need to use the faith we already have; we should put our faith in the grace of God. God sent Jesus to restore us back to Him and save us. We are saved by the grace of God, through faith; it is nothing we have done on our own – NOT through our works but through the shed blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9)!

EVERYTHING we receive, is because of the grace, mercy, and love of God, for us! Let’s not take God for granted; let’s be thankful and grateful to Him for His MANY blessings to us – the things we know that God has done and the things we don’t know He has done! Be thankful and give God thanks with a grateful heart!

Let’s begin to believe God’s Word on a greater level and not go by our feelings or what we see; we must walk in the Spirit at all times, otherwise, we will be led by the flesh – the soul. The Doctor’s report MIGHT show a sickness but whose report are you going to believe? Faith in God’s Word trumps facts EVERY TIME; as I said before! In this message, I am telling you to trust God, no matter what it looks likes; trust God – declare and decree His Word and watch God MANIFEST what you need. YOU ALREADY GOT IT IN THE SPIRIT REALM BUT YOU MUST RENEW YOUR MIND (SOUL) WITH THE WORD FOR IT TO MANIFEST IN THE NATURAL REALM)! Believe what Jesus HAS DONE and deal with the root cause of that sickness (toxic emotions in your soul will deal with this topic more later).

The devil will every tactic he can, to keep us blind to the truth of God’s Word; of course he does not want us free – he hates God and EVERYTHING that represents God so he hates us too! One of the devil’s tactics is to make people think, God put sickness on them, so they will not pray against it. That is a lie! God DOES NOT put sickness on anyone!! Sickness, disease, death, are all consequences of sin; the requirement under the Law – we are not under the Law but grace and truth through Jesus! Why would Jesus die a horrific death, to deliver us from sickness, and God turns around and put it back on us? Jesus’ body was bruised and wounded, so we could be whole, in EVERY area of our lives and then God puts back on us what Jesus took off; what Jesus carried once and for all in His body (1 Peter 3:18)? Does that make any kind of sense? NO, IT DOES NOT!

Jesus’ sacrifice provided our salvation, our peace of mind, our total healing, our total health, our total restoration in EVERY area of our life, and our total prosperity. Jesus bore spiritual torment for our sins, mental distress for our worry, care, and fear, as well as physical pain and brokenness in His body, for our sickness and disease. The stripes Jesus bore was for our healing; according to Isaiah 53:5, "The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed."

There is a root cause of the sickness, disease, infirmity, inflammation, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, and whatever else, that is coming to steal from us, kill us, or destroy us; ANYTHING that is trying to stop us from living the abundant life, Jesus died for us to live! It is NOT God who is causing you to be sick but it the devil; the spirit of infirmity is still around today and will attach itself to anyone who allow it!

In “Part II: Fear,” I will explain to you how fear plays a part with toxic emotions, to keep us in bondage and we will also find out how to get set free from fear. In the last part of this teaching, “Part III: Toxic Emotions,” we will explore why sickness is in our bodies, since Jesus already paid the price for our healing.

The Affidavits, Prayers, and some parts of the sections in Parts II and III, were taken from Dr. Art Mathias’ book, “Biblical Foundations of Freedom, Destroying Satan’s Lies With God’s Truth,” with his permission. Therefore, to copy or use any of the material in Parts II and III, please contact Dr. Mathias, to obtain his permission.

Dr. Art Mathias – Wellspring Ministries of Alaska 2511 Sentry Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Phone: 907.563.9033, E-mail: Web Site:

Click here for PDF version of S7 Part E-1

Click here for PDF version of "Healing Prayer for Week 4 Monday - 8...

Click here for PDF version of S1 - S7 PE-1

God's BLESSINGS to you all and your families!! STAY BLESSED!!

God's girl,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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