Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

Wednesday's Words to Live By - October 5th - October 11th "Embrace God's Dream for YOU"


This week’s “Wednesday’s Words to Live By” is a special message. God woke me up early this morning and gave it to me. Therefore, I am putting it on early and will continue with Part 2 of “God’s Grace” next week. Now, the message:


God has a way to make us right with Him (Romans 3:21). It is vital that we believe God's Word and embrace His truth. God's highest dream is not to make us rich, not to make us successful, not to make us popular or not to make us famous. God's highest dream for us is to make us right with Him (this is from my daily devotional, "Grace for the Moment, Volume 1" by Max Lucado. This mornings' title is, "God's Highest Dream.


God sent His Son Jesus to die for us while we were yet sinners to make us right with Him. God loved us so much that He did not and do not want us or anyone else to perish. All those worldly things (riches, popularity, wanting to be famous or successful without God) are hindrances when we seek after them before we seek after God. I am not saying that God does not want us to have the finest of things or to be rich but He does not want us to desire those things more than Him. These things are not worth us losing our soul over as stated in Matthew 16:26: “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” ( - NLT).


Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:19-21 not to store our treasures up here on earth but in heaven. And He lets us know that where our treasures are, that is where our hearts will be. Later on in that same chapter, Jesus tells us to seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness and everything else we need, will be added to us.

Let's embrace God's highest dream for us! Let's get right with Him and stay right with Him! I know 2 Corinthians 5:21 say that we are the righteousness of God through Christ; Christ took on our sins making us to be in right standing with God. Yes, Jesus has completed the work; He has provided EVERYTHING we will ever need to live in this life.


Therefore, God sees us righteous. But, we must walk in that righteousness! We cannot do what we want to do, say what we want to say, go where we want to go, live the way we want to live; I think you get my point. We were bought with a price; the precious blood of Jesus! When He made us righteousness, we became HIS disciples! We obey God, God does not obey us! We do not tell Jesus or the Holy Spirit what to do; we obey what the Word of God says!


We need to get rid of our twisted way of thinking, the way the "old man" thinks and embrace the truth of God's Word. We must not be conformed to this world's way of thinking which is the way the old man thinks, remember, we were once of the world, but we must be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of OUR MINDS with the Word of God. That is the only way our minds are going to be transformed! We must take the Word of God, which is truth and replace all those lies that the devil, people, ourselves, etc. have told us from birth until now. This is critical because unless our minds are transformed, we will continue to be lied to by the devil, others and even ourselves; we cannot have the abundant life Jesus has died for us to have when our minds are still being controlled by the old man.


Let's stop this madness!!!! Do you want to keep striving your way and getting no were until Jesus come? I know I don't!! So we must take some action today!! We must dig into the Word, pray, seek God, do what it takes for YOU to get a hold of God and ask Him what is His plan for YOU; how can YOU come out of whatever place YOU are in. If you call on Him, He will answer; just wait for Him to answer.


This is a time that we must be like Jacob; we must hold God and don't let him go until He bless us – I am talking spiritually. I am not telling you something I am not going to do. The Word comes to me first; I have been up before 4 o'clock this morning. I was first woke up around 1:20 then I laid there and went back to sleep (I had went to bed at around 12). Then I was waked back up around 4 something so I knew I needed to get up. This message is the result of God speaking to me this morning but I wanted to share it with you; we are helpers one to the other. I pray you are blessed by this and that God speak to your hearts as you read it.


I want to close with Romans 12:1-2:


“Life in God's Service

1 So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer. 2 Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect”( - Good News Translation).


Dr. Hooks



"Running" By Klaus Kuehn (ft. Kari Jobe)


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