Proverbs Chapter 26 Explained!!

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Click Reference Link to Read Chapter 26 & Commentary:

Hello everyone, I pray you all and your families are well!! Today we will start studying the Book of Proverbs. And as before with the Book of Psalms, to help you all and myself get a full understanding of the Book of Proverbs, I will be including an explanation of each Chapter we read. Again, this will help you all dig deep into your study of the Book of Proverbs.  

Let’s make time in our day to study the Word of God so we can deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus, our Comforter, Helper, and so much more Holy Spirit. Let’s GO!!

Proverbs Chapter 26 Commentary:

This chapter begins with a series of blunt criticisms of a "fool." In the book of Proverbs, this means one who has rejected God's wisdom, common sense, and truth (Proverbs 1:7). The term "fool" appears in all but one of the first twelve verses. These lessons warn against giving such persons authority or power, notes their resistance to correction, and points out the difference between "repeating" wisdom and "using" it appropriately. Just because someone can recite wise sayings does not mean they know how to apply wisdom. Two verses in this section suggest opposite responses to foolishness, depending on the situation (Proverbs 26:1–12).

Next is a section of proverbs referring to laziness. This uses the term "sluggard," meaning a person lacking energy, or carelessly lazy. An exaggerated criticism pictures the person as so lazy they can't even bring food to their mouth. These proverbs note that people will often make outrageous excuses for their lack of effort. That includes ignoring reason to justify why they are not meeting their obligations. This is not only lazy, but it's also a form of arrogance (Proverbs 26:13–16).

The final segment of the chapter gives godly advice about conflict. Getting involved in someone else's dispute is like grabbing a stray dog by the ears: risky and not to be done without an extremely good reason. False accusations cause damage, so claiming "I didn't mean it" afterwards doesn't undo the harm. Gossip and slander are tempting, but they fuel conflict as much as wood does a fire.

How and when a person chooses to speak has a major impact on how an argument will affect them. Solomon also advises caution about those who disguise evil intent with attractive words.

Proverbs Chapter 26 Verse Context:

Proverbs 26:1–12 is mostly a series of blunt, negative remarks about a "fool;" the word appears in all but one verse. In the book of Proverbs, a "fool" is one who rejects godly wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). The segment also includes a famous pair of statements which seem contradictory. Since verses 4 and 5 are written side-by-side, the implication is that there are times where one approach or the other is best. Generally, those who ignore God's truth (Proverbs 8:34–36) are dangerous and unreliable.

Proverbs 26:13–16 turns to the topic of laziness. The "sluggard" is depicted as reluctant to leave his house, preferring to stay in bed. Using poetic exaggeration, Solomon (Proverbs 25:1) pictures this person as so lifeless that they can't bring their hand out of a dish to eat food. As with those who are arrogant, the lazy person may refuse wisdom, convincing themselves that their way is better.

Proverbs 26:17–28 turns from a focus on laziness to discussion about conflict. Solomon (Proverbs 25:1) warns against prying into other people's arguments, gossip, and dishonest speech. He also cautions about the danger of casual lies. How and when a person chooses to speak greatly influences their involvement in conflict.

Proverbs Chapter 26 Summary:

This chapter includes three main sections. The first repeatedly refers to a "fool," meaning someone lacking godly wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). The second warns against being lazy. The third condemns careless conflict, lying, and warns about those who disguise their hate with words. Several statements in this passage repeat or echo others made in the book of Proverbs.

Proverbs Chapter 26 Context:

Chapter 25 introduced another section of Solomon's proverbs (Proverbs 25:1). These were collected by later scribes; the list runs through the end of chapter 29. This chapter covers topics such as foolishness, laziness, and conflict. This echoes principles given in other proverbs.

Proverbs Chapter 26 Book Summary:

Proverbs is best understood in context with the books of Ecclesiastes and Job. In Proverbs, “wisdom”  is given in short, simple, general terms. Ecclesiastes represents wisdom based on observation and experience. This often shows how the general principles of the book of Proverbs don’t apply in absolutely every circumstance. Job represents wisdom based on the experience of suffering and injustice. All three come to the conclusion that God does indeed know best, and the most sensible course of action is to follow His will.

God still wants us to come to HIM and CAST ALL those CARES, things upon Him, so we won’t try to figure out things on our own. But we want to seek God for HIS wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for EVERY issue, situation, and circumstance we face. GOD CARES FOR US (1 Peter 5:7)!!

Therefore, let us each day, as we read these Proverbs, seek God for HIS wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for WHATEVER situation we are facing!! And I GUARANTEE you that GOD WILL answer us, IF we TRULY seek HIM, LISTEN, AND FOLLOW HIS INSTRUCTIONS!!!

There is ALWAYS something we can look back at, and see how GOD, our ABBA, has brought us out in the past!! And we can look at our present lives, and see GOD bringing us out of something every day – I KNOW I CAN!!

As the song says, God WILL do it again (“Do It Again” by Elevation Worship)!!

GOD IS A GOOD. GOOD, GOOD FATHER to us; HE takes GREAT care of us!!

Just as before, I pray the explanation of each Chapter of the Book of Proverbs, is a BLESSING to you all as you all dive deeper into the Word of God this year!!

And don’t forget to pray as you study this material, asking Holy Spirit to give you all the revelational knowledge YOU NEED, to transform your life from the inside out!!

I pray this year will be your BEST year ever!! Stay walking hand in hand with our loving Heavenly Father, our ABBA, ALWAYS acknowledging Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in the way you should go daily, not going your own way, and be a disciple of Jesus, not a fan, then you won’t go wrong!!

Click Here for the PDF Version of “Proverbs 26 Explained!!”

Click Here for PDF Version of “Links to Proverbs 1 to 25 Explained!!”

God’s BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD