Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

I am having a fundraiser to help raise funds for my organization so we can help educate abused women and offer support to them. The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which was formed to alleviate the pain and suffering associated with domestic violence and being homeless; subsequently, “to build life to better the hurting and hopeless.”

The mission of the organization is to teach life skills for independent living to battered and hurting women, the homeless, divorced women, unwed teenage mothers (ages 13 – 16), and teenage high school dropout girls (ages 16 – 18). This will be accomplished using the 8 to 12-week educational program, “Tools for Triumphant Living.” This program was developed by Charlana Kelly, Founder of Christian Women’s Coalition of Ocala, FL.

The first short range goal of TLMF is to educate women of domestic violence about domestic abuse and show them how to recover from it. This will be done using “Abused Woman Recovery” series which is the educational support program under Abused Woman Ministries, Inc.; the support group will meet bi-monthly. Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. is a separate entity of The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc. Its mission is to empower abused and battered women for destiny by teaching them how to recover from abuse. The meetings will begin again November 14, 2009.

The second short range goal of TLMF is to teach abused/battered women, teenage unwed mothers, and teenage high school drop-out girls using our Christian based educational skills training program, “Tools for Triumphant Living.”

The long range goal is to open domestic violence and homeless shelters, center for divorced women, home for unwed teenage mothers, and a center for teenage high school drop-out girls here in Lake County and teach the “Tools for Triumphant Living” program at both shelters.

I am asking you to help us out this year by giving a tax-deductible donation to our organization. We are dedicated to helping the abused and battered women of Lake County regain their self-esteem and independence in the work force. In 2007, there were 334 reported cases of Aggravated Assault and 1,510 cases of Simple Battery along with other associated cases of domestic violence for a total of 1,921 cases. The word “reported” is the key because every case of domestic violence is not reported by the victim. TLMF is an additional asset in Lake County to help these women. So, I hope we can count on you for a generous donation of $25 or more. However, please note that any donation amount is always welcomed.

I thank you for your time and consideration of this request. We look forward to whatever support you can provide. If you require additional information on The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc., please contact me and I will be glad to provide it.

You may also visit our web site for additional information and to donate online. If you are sending your donation in the form of a check, please make checks payable to THE LULA MCGRADY FOUNDATION, INC. Please use the enclosed attached form to return your donation. For your donation, you will receive a free bookmark of my book, "Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman."

Thank you for your consideration and generosity. The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc. couldn't provide the help and support for the battered, abused, and hurting women of Lake County without the generosity of donors like you.


Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD

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