“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
AWM Violence & Abuse Recovery Program Agenda Session 4 Part 1D – Oct 22, 2013
1. Start session with prayer – ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding and give you inner healing
2. Study each part of session highlighted – this program as well as the other ones focus on healing of the spirit, soul, & body
3. Rap Up – write down any questions you may have and send them to me before the next part is sent to you on Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
4. Homework: complete any homework for this session and return to me before next Tuesday Oct 29, 2013
5. Close in Prayer – just pray what you feel in your heart
Violence & Abuse Recovery Program Session 4 Part 1D - Oct 22, 2013
Lesson: Session One – Part 1D – Study This
Open in prayer: Father I thank You for giving these group members Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding as they study this teaching; help them to recover completely in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
Session One’s Goal: to define Violence & Abuse
God’s Final Word on Generational Sin (Ezekiel 18) – Part 1D – Oct 22, 2013
Read Aloud Ezekiel Chapter 18
We are going to settle this today; sin (violence and abuse) is repeated from one generation to the next because no one ever stopped the cycle of abuse. This is not perpetuated (carried on by) the hand of God, but by the flesh and the plan of the enemy. The Lord clearly says in Ezekiel 18, turn and live. He does not visit the sins of the father onto the son nor of the Mother onto the daughter; each one will give an account for themselves. We learn the behavior or out of our anger and fear we dominate and control of our own choice. In this class we will help you to learn the triggers and give you tips for handling those who abuse. Lets’ stop the cycle now! Turn away from our ways, acknowledge, repent and forgive. Receive healing and go on living a healthy and happy life with the grace of God.
Pray This Prayer to Break the Curse of Abuse (You are not cursed but Domestic Violence and Abuse is a curse set against women) and read each Scripture:
Closing Prayer to End Session One:
Prayer Against Domestic Violence
Prayer Against Domestic Violence
I come against the spirit of abuse in domestic relationships by the Blood and authority of Jesus and pull down every stronghold that is associated with it. I cast the spirit of abuse out of the body of Christ and the nations. I command it to go wherever Jesus tells it to go, never to return. I pray for the salvation of every abuser that they will accept Christ as their personal Savior and become born again. I pray that the fire of the Holy Ghost will cleanse their minds and their hearts and bring about repentance to God and to their spouse for what they have done. And I pray for the women who are abusing their husbands. Father deliver them, save them, and forgive them. I ask that you bring them to repentance; first to You then their husbands and everyone who has been affected by their abuse; especially their children. God I ask that You heal the children in these abusive homes. Don’t allow them to grow up mixed up, confused, and thinking abuse is normal. Help them to know You father and the love You have for them. Save them Father at an early age so they might serve You. I am asking for restoration of every woman and man who has been abused. Whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, sexual, or verbally. I ask all these things in the name of Jesus, the name that is above every name. Amen!
In His Service,
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
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NOTE: These materials in the AWM Violence & Abuse Recovery Program are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks: dehooks@abusedwoman.org.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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