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Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Merry Christmas everyone to you all and your families!!! I pray all is well with you all and your families!! I want to share with you all a Christmas message I received from Dr. Carol Tanksley, MD.DMIN. Here is Dr. Carol’s message, and the link to “Christmastide” 12 days of Scriptures, to help you all dive deeper into learning about Jesus’ birth.

Merry Christmas from Dr. Carol Ministries

We're celebrating Christmastide - 12 days of Scriptures and thoughts to let the message of Christmas nourish our heart and lives. Today, Christmas Day, we consider what it means that Jesus entered our world - God becoming human.


In classic Christian tradition, Advent is the season leading up to December 25, and instead of ending today, Christmastide – the 12 days of Christmas – begins today. You may know the 12 Days of Christmas song.

But Christmastide is a beautiful way to honor the birth of Jesus in a deeper way. Using scriptures from the classic Christian liturgical calendar, our Christmastide playlist brings you a few minutes of contemplation in 12 segments to help you:

  • Linger in the celebration of Jesus’ birth
  • Let your heart and life be nourished by the message of Christmas
  • Gently and intentionally transition from this season into a new year


Click here for today’s “Christmastide” message.

Access the YouTube playlist here.



I pray the BLESSING from the Father, upon you all and your families!!!

Numbers 6:24-26 NLT: 'May the LORD bless you and protect you. [25] May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. [26] May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace.'


The Blessing with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes | Live From Elevation Ballantyne | Elevation Worship


God BLESS you all and your Families, and KEEP you all and your Families,


Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD

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