“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Photo Reference: http://crossroadstabernacle.blogspot.com/2011/04/faith-on-trialagain.html?m=1
Now let’s continue with, “Faith On Trial.” The New King James Version – (NKJV) of Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (biblegateway.com).
You see here that faith is the substance of things we hope for, the evidence of things NOT seen. Faith is what holds what we are hoping for together; it causes us to hold out until our change come. But faith in this passage of Scripture goes deeper!
John W. Ritenbaugh (From Forerunner Commentary) explains this passage below and WOW, what an explanation. You will see that faith is the foundation of everything that really matters spiritually; which leads to trusting God. We cannot trust God without having faith in Him first (believing Him).
One of the foundational Scriptures of this teaching is James 1:3-4, which clearly tells us that the trying of our faith, worketh patience, but we must allow patience to have her perfect work (we are going to keep being tried, until patience has her perfect work – until our faith in that particular area of our lives, is complete). And when patience has finished its work, then we will be perfect and entire, wanting nothing (be whole; complete). Therefore, you see faith is the foundation that leads us to trusting God; to having confidence in God, to keep His Word.
This is what John W. Ritenbaugh (From Forerunner Commentary) said about Hebrews 11:1:
“In the phrase ’faith is the substance of things hoped for,’ Paul is not really defining what faith is, but rather he is showing what faith does in an operative sense: Faith undergirds what we hope for. Substance means ‘that which stands under.’
Faith is the foundation for what we hope, the foundation for our relationship with God and everything that it implies within His purpose. Faith is the very beginning of everything that really matters spiritually.
By saying that it is the ‘evidence’ or ‘assurance’ (the word can literally be translated ‘title deed,’ but ‘assurance’ seems to be the best all-around word) of things hoped for, the author comes much closer to defining what faith is. In its simplest form, faith is merely belief.
As our understanding becomes more complex and operative, when we begin to put faith to work, it becomes ‘confidence,’ and finally, in its best form, when it becomes fully operational, it is ‘trust.’ This trust, this full measure of faith, is alive and works within our relationship with God.” John W. Ritenbaugh - A Pre-Passover Look
Now that you understand what faith is, let us move on. We got to KNOW, that we KNOW, that God is with us and for us! Even when we cannot track or trace Him; even when we cannot feel Him; we got to KNOW that God is with us. We must KNOW that God is NOT a man, so He cannot lie; He will do what He said He would. God is Truth; there is no false or fake in Him! God told us He would be with us, even until the end of the world, so we got to believe (have faith in, have confidence in, rely on) that.
No matter what, we got to believe that God is with us, whether we can feel Him or not. We cannot allow anything to shake us loose from our belief; our faith, that God is with us, for us, and NOT against us.
God is our EVERYTHING; He is more than enough for us – He is all we need. Pastor Tony Evans has listed the Names of God, and the pronunciation of each, on his website; praying the Names of God, will help you know and understand who God is to YOU – this walk is personal, between you and God.
We cannot allow our trials and tribulations to stop us from believing God; especially since Jesus told us we would have them on this earth but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). The devil (thief) comes to steal, kill, and destroy; he wants to shake our faith and stop us from believing God – don’t allow him to do that (John 10:10)!
This reminds me of a movie, “Prisoners” I saw years ago. At the end of the movie when they found out who kidnapped their children, the kidnapper told them, the children were kidnapped to make the parents lose faith in God! I was like, “WOW!” The devil will do ANYTHING to make us not believe God; to shake our faith! But he is a liar! We will trust in the Lord until we die; we will not allow ANYTHING TO SHAKE US! Glory to the Lamb of God!
We will be steadfast, immoveable, ALWAYS abounding in the work of the Lord because our labor is NOT in vain (1 Corinthians 15:57-58). We can be steadfast because God has already given us the victory, through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).
The old song came to me that said,"Standing on the promises of God!" I am determined to stand on the promises of God forever; no matter what comes, will, or may, I will not be shaken by what I can see. The things I see are not real anyway, they are only temporary but the things I cannot see are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18)! And when life causes me to lean, I will lean on God; His promises sustains!! Glory!! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED ANY LONGER!! I will not settle for anything and will be led by Holy Spirit in everything!
Click here for PDF version of “Faith On Trial – Part 2”
Click here for PDF version of “Faith On Trial – Part 1”
God’s blessings to you all and your families!
In His Service,
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
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