“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Scriptural Foundation: Isaiah 53:4-5
Feelings do not cause your healing to manifest, faith does: faith in the only true and wise God; faith in God’s Word (Jesus); and faith in God doing what He said He would do!!
God has had a plan for our lives before the world begin and nothing or nobody is going to stop it. The only way God’s plan for your life is not completed, YOU give up! We belong to God and nothing or nobody is able to pluck us out of His hand! Even the enemy using Eve to cause Adam to disobey God did not stop God’s plan for mankind – he could not do it then and will not stop God’s plan NOW – God had a Ram in the bush and His name is Jesus Christ!! God knew everything that happened in the Garden would happen; there is nothing which happens that takes God by surprise.
God prepared a way of escape for us (ALL mankind); the way is ALREADY made – you do not have to work for salvation because Jesus already has given you salvation and along with it, EVERYTHING you need to live in this world with the victory (He has overcame the world) – Jesus has paid for salvation with His life and now all you have to do is receive it!!
Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 53:4-5 about Jesus; how He would take away the sin, sicknesses, diseases, infirmities, iniquities, sorrows, griefs, etc. of mankind and give us His peace, His love, His joy, His gentleness, His longsuffering, His faith and His goodness – among other things; through the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12-14; Galatians 5:22). Jesus also gave us His righteousness so we could become righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21); this is what makes us brand new creatures in Him. Our righteousness WERE as filthy rags but now we are washed by the Blood of the Lamb – Jesus!! However, in order for this new life to be manifested in us, we MUST accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior – then every promise in the Book can be manifested in our lives.
I am going to say this again: Jesus took our sins, sicknesses, illnesses, infirmities, iniquities, transgressions (definition of transgressions: an act of transgressing a law, command, moral code; sin; violation of command; wickedness,), etc. and gave us His peace so we could live the abundant life God intended for us to live – the life Adam & Eve was living in the Garden. God created us for His purpose; so His perfect will could be done in our lives. We were NOT created for our own purpose, to do with what we please!
We do not belong to ourselves because we are bought with the precious Blood of Jesus! Jesus purchased us to bring us back to the Father so we could have intimate fellowship with Him.
Isaiah 53 was a prophecy about Jesus; before Jesus had accomplished what He was sent to accomplish, this is what Isaiah said Jesus has done for us in verses 4-5:
1. Jesus HAS borne (borne means to lift, to bear, to carry away, cast away, erase, take away, ease) our griefs (here griefs in Hebrew means cholity which translates to malady and this word malady here means sick, disease, moral or mental disorder or sickness). Jesus bore sickness, disease, and every moral or mental disorder and much more in His body so we do not have to. If there is sickness or disease in your body, you must unload them from yourself upon Jesus!! Sickness and disease are not the same words:
No matter what the cause of sickness or disease, Jesus has already conquered the cause and bore OUR sickness and disease in His own body; they have no legal right to touch our body!! I am not denying the sickness or disease but I am denying them a right to live in my body or touch my body because Jesus has already bore every sickness, every disease, every pain and everything else (including negative emotions) that would ever attack us! Negative emotions (stress, anger, anxiety, bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, effects from abuse, etc.) will keep us from walking in the peace of God which will also have a reaction on our bodies. The truth of God’s Word will outweigh facts every time; that report might say you have this or that but what did the Word say? Isaiah 53:1 asks the question, “Who has believed our report?” Do you believe of the report of the Lord given to Isaiah by God about what His Son Jesus has already did or are you believing every other report – confessing what someone else told you?
2. Jesus HAS carried (carried means to carry; bear – Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible by Finis Jennings Dake) our sorrows (Jesus was a Man of sorrows [Isaiah 53:3] – He carried every pain associated with our sorrows so we should not be in sorrow).
3. Jesus WAS wounded for our transgressions (transgressions means an act of transgressing a law, command, moral code; sin; violation of command; wickedness).
4. Jesus WAS bruised (bruised here means to crush) for our iniquities (iniquities means gross immorality or injustice; wickedness).
5. Jesus WAS chastised (chastised means to punish, as by beating – the Amplified Bible says: “He was beaten so we could be whole” – biblegateway.com) so we could have peace. Real peace ONLY comes from God through Christ!! This is the peace Jesus gave to us in John 14:27 when He said “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (biblegateway.com – NIV). This is the peace Paul talked about in Philippians 4:6-7, 6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (biblegateway.com – NLT).
6. Jesus healed us by His stripes (here the Hebrew root word for stripes mean join together. Jesus joined to our diseases so we could join to His health. By Jesus being joined together with us, WE ARE HEALED! WE RECEIVED HEALING AS A RESULT OF HIS WOUNDS!!!)
In His Service,
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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