“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Stop listening to the lies of the devil with these symptoms that he put in your body!! Seek after God today!! Refuse every lie that the devil has told you, in the Name of Jesus!! Don’t let sickness, disease, infirmity, guilt, doubt, shame, sorrow, grief, etc. dictate your life; who you are!! You are a mighty woman or man of God in Christ!! God has a plan for your life and it is not for you to be laid up sick!! God does not put sickness on anybody to teach them anything!! That is a ridiculous lie from the pit of hell!! God sent His Son Jesus to heal us; He is the Healer!! God gave us life through His Son Jesus; God gives us good things, not sickness, disease, etc.!! Does it make any sense that God would send His Son to die a painful, tormented death for you to be healed, delivered, and sin free, so you could be in full fellowship with Him and then turn around and put sickness on you? Does that make any sense whatsoever? NO, it does not!! And that’s not who God is – God is love – He is a loving God and wants the very best for us – His people!!!
Yes, life is going to happen because we are in this fallen world! But God is not the One who causes evil to happen!! God is not a respecter of persons and He rains on the just as well as the unjust. Therefore, just because we are God’s children, does not mean He will exempt us from everything which happens in this world. Right now, because of the fall of Adam and Eve, the enemy has a certain rule of the world. So when life happens, we must remember what Jesus told us in John 16:33 that in the world we would have tribulation but to be of good cheer because He had overcome the world. If we don’t go through anything, how are we going to have testimony? How are we going to tell others how to get out of what they are going through? We can’t if we do not go through something ourselves; I am not talking about God putting anything evil on us – He is NOT associated with evil!!!! On the flip side of this coin, I know you don’t have to always go through something to be able to help somebody else; God does things the way He wants to do them. God takes what happens to us in this fallen world and turns it around for our good; whether we have went through something or not – stay in the spirit as you read this message – don’t be analytical!! The main thing is to defuse that lie that the devil told you that God puts sickness on you to teach you something!! NOT SO!! That is a lie straight from the pit of hell!! God did not put sickness on you!! And the things you are blaming God for, you need to look deep within yourself and see what choices YOU have made. God allows us to make our own choices for our lives; each and every day we have choices to make.
The devil might bring a thought to you and a thought from yourself might come to your mind to do something. However, deep down (in your spirit man) you know that thought is wrong but you do what it says do (right here, you made a choice – you can decided to listen to the thought instead of your spirit man. When the consequences are bad as a result of your actions, then you blame God by saying, “God why did you allow this to happen to me?” NO, it is not God’s fault; you made the choice not to listen to your spirit man. There are consequences to every action whether good or bad. Therefore, stop blaming God for the things you do without consulting Him and you get a bad outcome from it! Stop blaming God!! It’s NOT God’s fault; it is yours!! Like I said, you either listened to the devil or you listened to your own mind (you made the wrong choice – did not listen to what the Holy Spirit told you to do)!
Therefore, know who you are in Christ; know the benefits you have as a child of God; know that God has a plan for your life; know that it gives God good pleasure to bless you; know that God is a good God!! You got to know these things without a shadow of a doubt; you got to know it because your life depends on it!!! How you live in this life depends on you knowing that God is a good God!! This world is NOT your home; you are in this world but not of this world (John 15:9) and we cannot get entangled with the affairs of this world (2 Timothy 2:4). We must have direct communication with God; an intimate relationship with God! We must allow God to lead and guide us; allow the Holy Spirit to direct us and warn us of impending dangers (and take heed to what He is saying).
The Holy Spirit will also let you know what to say and what not to say; He will tell you “No, don’t say that” – He has told me this before when I wanted to tell someone off:) - I did not want to listen and kept asking Him to allow me to just tell them off a little:) was that silly or what? You can never tell someone off a little:). But I listened and I did not tell them off; it was not easy but I obeyed what the Holy Spirit said. I am not saying ALL the time the Holy Spirit told me not to say or do something I obeyed; but that time I did – I was a little more mature than before:).
I have learned that we have to walk in love and cannot be conformed to the things of this world! We must let God lead us in EVERYTHING; yes EVERYTHING – I don’t care how small it seems to be – God has to lead us because if He does not, we are asking for trouble – I repeat, we are asking for trouble – we cannot direct our own lives – wisdom comes from God and He knows what is good for us!!!! We become renegade Christians when I give our lives to Jesus and then turn around and do our own thing!!
The best thing we can do is yield our lives to God completely and live by His Word! When you have a situation or a decision you have to make, these are some things for you to think about: What is God saying about the matter? What is God telling me to do? Am I walking according to God’s will or am I doing my own thing? It is very important to listen to God and not people! Don’t let people lead you astray by telling you this or that or saying “God told me to tell you.....” No, get it from God yourself – this is why the intimate relationship with God is soooooo important – you must be able to hear God for yourself and not depend on people to tell you what God says!
In order to obtain an intimate relationship with God, you have to talk with Him; communicate with Him – think of God as meaning EVERYTHING to you! To help you get started, here is a confession which came to me to say the morning I was praying and God gave me this message – at the time, sick symptoms was trying to attack my body. As I begin to say these things (even though I did not feel anything or want to say them because I was in so much pain) God begin to speak to me and tell me I was healed. These descriptions of who God is to me begin to flood up inside of me - my spirit man came alive when God touched me:
Your healing is available to YOU today; all you have to do is receive it!! God is waiting to heal you in EVERY area of your life!
I am also enclosing a prayer (click link below) so you can come against the soul ties in your life; a version of this prayer is in my book, "Unholy Matrimony: Healing for the Abused Woman" – the prayer was originally taken from b4prayer.org. I am also attaching a PDF copy of the prayer along with the PDF copy of this teaching, so you can have it.
Click here for PDF version of message
Click here to download Prayer Against Soul Ties
In His Service,
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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