“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
I pray you accept Jesus as YOUR personal Lord and Savior!! And Jesus will take you unto the Father!! Before you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you are spiritually dead, separated from God because of your transgressions and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3 AMP).
But after you accepts Jesus as YOUR personal Lord and Savior, according to Ephesians 2:4-6 AMP, Father does this: “4 But God, being [so very] rich in mercy, because of His great and wonderful love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were [spiritually] dead and separated from Him because of our sins, He made us [spiritually] alive together with Christ (for by His grace—His undeserved favor and mercy—you have been saved from God’s judgment). 6 And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus,…” (Ephesians 2:1-10 AMP; Ephesians 2 AMP).
There is ONLY ONE WAY to get to the Father, and that’s through Jesus!! John 14:6 AMP tells us this, “Jesus said to him, “[a]I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (Complete Chapter of John 14)
In that same chapter, John 8, Jesus told the Jews in verse 24, “That is why I told you that you will die [unforgiven and condemned] in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am the One [I claim to be], you will die in your sins.”
Salvation is a free gift from God – you can’t earn it (John 3:16 AMP; Ephesians 2:8 AMP)!! You must accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, to obtain the benefits of salvation (Psalms 103:1-5 AMP – complete chapter of Psalms 103)!! That’s why Jesus told the Jews in John 8:24 AMP, “That is why I told you that you will die [unforgiven and condemned] in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am the One [I claim to be], you will die in your sins.” Because if you don’t believe Jesus is who God sent to save you, you will die in your sins. And if you don’t believe Jesus is “the One,” you won’t accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior – you will reject Him.
Yes, Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection was for ALL mankind (1 John 2:1-3)!! But mankind has free will and God is not going to force anyone to accept Jesus!! Each individual person has to accept Jesus on his or her own!! The Gift of Salvation is available to ALL humans, but to receive it, you must accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior!! Everyone is not automatically saved!! Jesus paid the price of our sin debt, making us COMPLETE IN HIM – but we still must accept His gift (Colossians 2:10-15 AMP).
Acts 4:12 KJV says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Acts 10:43 KJV says, “To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.”
The choice is YOURS!! Moses said in Deuteronomy 30:19 AMP, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,”
Jesus is the Giver of life and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10)!! It’s the theft, the enemy, who wants to steal, kill, and destroy from you – NOT GOD!!!
I like what Haans Erlandson, of Haans Erlandson Ministries, said at my Church’s, LakeHaven, “Flowing in Grace” workshop recently:
“If your view of God steals, kills, destroys, tempts, tests, tries, judge, or allows, you’ve turned God into satan!! If your view and option, if your version of God steals, kills, destroys, test, tempts, tests, allows, judges, like with a punishment, you’ve turned God into satan!!!”
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! We say, or think things like that, we DEFINITEDLY need to change our view of who God is!! And to do that, we would first get to know Jesus, as our personal Lord and Savior. Jesus then will take us to the Father, and Holy Spirit will come teach us all things as we RENEW our minds to who God is, Jesus is, Holy Spirit is, and who we are in Christ (Romans 12:1-2 AMP)!!
Jesus loves you and is waiting on YOU to come to Him FREELY, so you can accept His Gift of ABUNDANT LIFE, ETERNAL LIFE, RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!! Therefore, why not accept Him as YOUR personal Lord and Savior right now?
Click Here for PDF version of “Love People!!” Part 3
Click Here for Link to “Love People!!” Part 2
Click Here for Link to “Love People!!” Part 1
Click Here for PDF version of Complete Message, “Love People!!”
God’s BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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