“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Haven’t we wasted enough time searching for the things in our heart that does not line up with God’s will; His promises to us? I don’t know about you but I know I have wasted too much time looking for things I want and I am tired of it!!!
As I was praying one morning, this is what I heard in my spirit:
“NO MORE SEARCHING, NO MORE DRAMA, and NO MORE TRAUMA!” God had told me “NO MORE DRAMA” in 2006 before He delivered me from the LAST abusive marriage.
I am sharing this message with you because I feel God wants me to! I know I am not the only one who went through years and years and years of abuse (any kind) and had residual effects in my soul (mind, will, and emotions)! Abuse or trauma of ANY kind will leave you emotionally unbalanced! People who have NEVER EVER been abused, I mean to the point of just wanting to die rather than stay with the abuser another day and cannot get away, have no clue as to what it is like to be abused!! That is why they cannot understand what an abused person goes through or why the person just don’t leave; it is NOT that simple – the person who are being abused is blinded by the bondage of the abuse and the ONLY way out is for God to open their eyes to His truth!! The people who are being abused need to cry out to Jesus so He can deliver them!!!
Jesus is the ONLY One who can deliver a person out of the bondage of domestic violence because the abuser has the person being abused so emotionally captive that he or she is in bondage in his or her mind which is housed in the soul; this mean the person’s soul who is being abused is enslaved to their abuser!! Another reason I can say Jesus is the ONLY One who can deliver a person out of the bondage of domestic violence is because I am living proof!! God delivered me and released my soul from the bondage of the person who was abusing and traumatizing me and He can do the same thing for you if you believe Him – look to Jesus and He will bring you out of whatever bondage you are in!!!
God's Prayer For You!
I am going to stop here and pray a prayer for you that God wants me to pray; I am asking God to BREAK EVERY CHAIN of bondage in your life - “Break Every Chain” – Tasha Cobb: “I pray that God will get ahold of the person who is abusing you and set them free by the Power of Jesus’ Blood and that he or she will find rest, healing, deliverance, salvation, and whatever else they need to STOP terrorizing you in the Name of Jesus, the Name that is above EVERY other name!
Father, I also pray for EVERY person who is reading this message and is suffering from ANY KIND of trauma as a result of ANY KIND of abuse, that You would RELEASE them from the bondage of their abuser. Father, destroy EVERY stronghold in the soul of the person who is being abused; the stronghold that is holding her or him captive in their mind (soul) to the person who is abusing him/her! Father, free this person in his/her emotions from EVERY crippling effect that the abuser has caused or will cause them in the Name of Jesus! Father, You said in Your Word that You have already provided this person a way of escape, therefore show him/her, his/her way of escape and send him/her help to escape the bondage of abuse; it does not matter what kind of abuse he/she is suffering or has suffered!
Father, I thank You for freeing Your people today; Your wounded, heartbroken people who have lost hope! But God I know You as a Deliver, I know You as a Restorer, I know You as a Healer of broken hearts, I know You as the One who delivered me out of seven abusive marriages – six husbands abused me and I abused one by neglecting him as I was neglected from birth and by the six husbands – this happened because I was NOT healed or delivered from the previous abuses before I got involved in another relationship! The lack of deliverance caused me to become bitter, angry, and not know how to receive love! Father, I thank You for bringing me out of my abusive marriages and forgiving me – I forgive myself and my ex-husband whom I neglected has forgiven me!
Father, I stand in the gap today for EVERY abusive marriage and EVERY abusive relationship (in whatever capacity); I am asking in the Name of Your Son Jesus because I know it is Your will to set these victims of abuse free – Your people God!! Therefore, I am asking You Father to deliver the victims of abuse out of EVERY form of abuse known and unknown to man, like You did for me! I am asking that You heal the victims of abuse like You healed me from the bondage of abuse and heal their souls so they will NEVER enter into another abusive relationship of any kind – like You did for me Father!
I am asking Father, that You restore unto the victims of abuse EVERYTHING that they have lost while they were in the abusive relationship, marriage, or any other type of abusive union! Father, restore EVERYTHING that the worm, cankerworm, palmerworm, locust, and the caterpillar has eaten up that belongs to them! I am asking Father, that You strengthen and establish EVERY person who WERE in ANY forms of abusive relationship, marriage, or union that involved abuse, in Jesus’ Name (I say “were” because after this day, you will rise up in God’s strength and abilities and NEVER be victims of domestic violence [or any other type of abuse] as long as you live)!
Father, open the victim’s eyes so they can believe that Jesus has already set them free, that He died so they could live the abundant life in You! Open their hearts Father and let them know that the ONLY way for them to obtain their freedom is through Jesus Your Son – Jesus is their Savior and He is the ONLY Way, the Truth, and the Life – no one comes to You Father but through Jesus! Father, You love the ones who are being abused and the abuser very much and You want to see both set free!!
Father, I thank You for breaking and destroying EVERY soul tie between the person who is being abused and the abuser, in the Name of Jesus! Father, heal their heart and deliver the people who are being abused from EVERY form of fear, intimidation, and any other demonic force associated with the abuse! Father, I am asking You to replace fear with Your faith and hate with Your love in Jesus’ Name!
Father, I am also asking that You deliver the children that are involved in ALL abusive situations; God heal the children’s soul (mind, will, and emotions) and please don’t allow them to be affected by the abuse when they grow up – let them be normal according to Your definition when they grow up! I also ask that You deliver, heal, restore, strengthen, and establish EVERY child who are or were affected by ANY kind of abuse, in Jesus’s Name!
Father, You sent me to teach the person who is being abused or were abused how to recover so I ask You to get the glory out of my life as well as their life! I pray this prayer in the Name of Jesus, knowing Father You will deliver, heal, restore, strengthen and establish Your women and men who are being abused in ANY way, Amen!!”
Closing Remarks:
WOW! What a powerful prayer, the Holy Spirit prayed!! I see now, that is why God wanted me to start writing; I did not know He was going to use me to pray over you all and for the person who are abusing you! God loves you and the abuser (as I said before) – He rains on the just as well as the unjust – God loves the sinner but not the sin – our ways and thoughts are not like God’s!
In my closing, two things, first, I want to let you know before you can recover, you must forgive the person who is abusing you or who has abused you; there is no ifs, ands, or buts!! I know, I know, I know, forgiving the person who abuses you is hard, especially having to forgive the person while they are still around you! God has delivered you out of that abusive situation; just follow His leading – He is there for you and with you so don't give up hope! God is going to show you your escape route soon and very soon – just trust Him! However, in the meantime, you can prepare yourself by forgiving the abuser – get a jumpstart on your recovery process!
This brings me to the second thing I wanted to tell you in my closing; to help you with getting starting with your recovery process, I am including some specific prayers which covers specific areas that most people (myself included) to be delivered from once God brings them out of abusive relationships! What you will do is pray asking God to set you free from Unforgiveness, Rejection, Fear, Soul Ties, Traumas, False Intimacy – Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places, and so you can be set free from any ungodly emotions that were imbedded in your emotions before you were born, you will pray the Discovery Prayer! God can do anything but fail – God is an Awesome, Amazing, Wonderful, Loving God who wants YOU healed and walking in total healing and health – God wants you to walk in wholeness!! God took me all the way back to when I was in my mother’s womb and revealed to me that I was not wanted and that messed me up emotionally but God healed my emotions and He is teaching me that He loves me and that He is MORE THAN ENOUGH for me!!
When I was in the last abusive marriage, I had no hope, no future but God already had prepared my hope and my future for me and I thank Him a million, trillion, zillion times for bringing me up out of that abuse; the last guy I was married to was worse than ALL the six husbands before him put together!! But God brought me out alive; He later told me that the devil sent that guy into my life to totally destroy me, but God did not allow that to happen!!!
God took care of me while I was in the abuse, and He will and is taking care of you and He is preparing a way for your escape!! I am going to put the prayers in the order I believe God would have you to pray them; don’t be afraid, God is there with you – if possible, pray them when you are alone so God can speak to you, and He will speak!! I know I gave my life back to God while I was in the last abusive marriage and I spent as much time as I could studying the Bible, watching Christian television, and praying – I wanted to keep my mind on God!! The guy did not work so he was home, but I did not care, I needed God to do something for me, so I spent my time locked up in my extra bedroom seeking God!! And I know God will speak to you if you listen because He spoke to me and I was in a backslidden state, so I was not serving Him at the time! God loves us so much that He will come and get us to save our soul from destruction and give us a chance to find our way of escape through His Son Jesus – this is YOUR way of escape!!!
These prayers I mentioned above are courtesy of Dr. Art Mathias, Wellsprings Ministry Alaska, from his book, “Biblical Foundations of Freedom Destroying Satan’s Lies With God’s Truth!” The prayers in this manual will help with your deliverance, healing, and restoration process. Dr. Mathias’ organization also does counseling over the phone – call them and tell them I referred you!! I thank Dr. Mathias and his Staff for their support to me and my organizations-I am using these prayers with his permission!! I pray that God will continually bless him, his family, his staff and their families, and his ministry, in Jesus’ Name! Here is his ministry contact information - no part of the prayers can be copied or reproduced in any way without first contacting Dr. Mathias; you must have his permission to use any of his material from this and any other teaching where I use his material:
Dr. Art Mathias
Wellspring Ministries of Alaska
2511 Sentry Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Telephone: 907.563.9033
E-mail: akwellspr@aol.com
Web Site: www.akwellspring.com
Click here for complete manual for "NO More Searching!!!"
May God continually bless you and your family,
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
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NOTE: These materials are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks: drdehooks@abusedwoman.org.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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