“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Click Reference Link to Read Chapter 9 & Commentary: BibleRef.com
Hello everyone, I pray you all and your families are well!! Today we will start studying the Book of Proverbs. And as before with the Book of Psalms, to help you all and myself get a full understanding of the Book of Proverbs, I will be including an explanation of each Chapter we read. Again, this will help you all dig deep into your study of the Book of Proverbs.
Let’s make time in our day to study the Word of God so we can deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus, our Comforter, Helper, and so much more Holy Spirit. Let’s GO!!
Proverbs Chapter 9 Commentary:
Chapter 9 further highlights the distinction between godly wisdom and worldly foolishness. This returns to prior depictions of wisdom as a woman calling to be heard (Proverbs 8:1–4), and a seductive, sinful woman seeking gullible people as her prey (Proverbs 7:7–27). The chapter can be divided into three sections, each with six verses. The first continues to depict Lady Wisdom, the second contrasts the responses mankind has to wisdom, and the last section presents Folly as an inverted version of Wisdom herself. After depicting Wisdom in detail in chapter 8, Solomon describes her as preparing a large home and a grand feast. The invitation Wisdom offers is for those who lack sense to improve, by obeying God and seeking truth. Those who accept Wisdom's invitation put themselves on a path to life and success.
As with other proverbs, this is an expression of common sense, not an overly literal guarantee. Those who pursue truth and godliness are more likely to thrive and less likely to suffer consequences (Proverbs 9:1–6). The middle portion of the chapter notes the different reactions mankind has to godly wisdom. Those who sincerely seek truth respond to correction with humility and love. They apply the lessons of wisdom to make themselves wiser. In contrast, those who are arrogant will sneer at godliness, and react with hatred and insults to those who correct them. This passage repeats the fundamental idea that true wisdom can only begin when a person properly respects and reveres God (Proverbs 9:7–12).
The chapter ends by describing a twisted mirror image of Wisdom. This woman, Folly, also invites others to join her. Rather than encouraging godliness, Folly lies and says that illicit pleasures are better than God's creations. Those who fall for her seduction fail to see that her path leads to death (Proverbs 9:13–18). This concludes Solomon's overall praise of wisdom, begun in the later verses of chapter 1. After this, the book of Proverbs records many of the individual statements of wisdom made by Solomon. Each of these is a proverb in and of itself. Most of the rest of the book of Proverbs is a collection of these discrete, common-sense generalities.
Proverbs Chapter 9 Verse Context:
Proverbs 9:1–6 continues from chapter 8 by depicting wisdom as a woman. Here, she is a refined lady who has built a grand house and prepared a lavish feast. She calls out everywhere for those who are simple and lack judgment to participate as guests at her feast. This passage begins the chapter on a positive note, but a negative tone quickly follows. Foolishness, also depicted as a woman, will make similar invitations to those who lack sense.
Proverbs 9:7–12 bridges the other two sections of this chapter. The first depicts Wisdom as a generous, benevolent woman calling on others to respond to her invitation and live (Proverbs 9:1–6). The last segment portrays Wisdom's mirror image, Folly, who entices others with lies and deception, leading to their death. In this section of Proverbs 9, Solomon describes what is at stake in the decision between these two proverbial women. This also notes the inherent difference between those who sincerely seek wisdom, versus those who can only stand to be told what they want to hear. Proverbs 9:13–18 closes the chapter by describing Folly's call and the tragedy of succumbing to it. Solomon began this chapter of Proverbs with a call from a proverbial Lady Wisdom, for others to feast at her table. Between the two sections of this chapter, he presented two different responses to the call. A wise person responds positively, but a scoffer rejects the call. The depiction of Folly mirrors that of wisdom: making similar invitations, but with drastically different results. This parallels the evil temptations of the adulterous woman described earlier (Proverbs 7:7–27).
Proverbs Chapter 9 Summary:
Wisdom is portrayed as a dignified woman who prepares a spacious house and feast. She invites those who are gullible and lacking judgment to improve their wisdom, by accepting her invitation. She urges invitees to abandon their simple ways and walk in the way of insight. Solomon then contrasts the attitudes of those who sincerely seek truth, compared to those who hate being corrected. The chapter ends with a description of Wisdom's mirror image: Folly. She is seductive and ignorant. She invites the gullible to enter her house, promising that immorality is enjoyable and pleasant. Sadly, those who are seduced do not realize her invitation leads to ruin and damnation.
Proverbs Chapter 9 Context:
In chapter 7, Solomon portrayed an evil woman (Proverbs 7:7–27). In chapter 8 he portrays wisdom as a refined lady who offers instruction to all who heed her call. Chapter 9 contrasts Lady Wisdom with the evil Woman Folly, who lures the foolish to their ruin. This extended warning about the dangers of rejecting God's wisdom leads into an extended collection of standalone proverbial comments, beginning in chapter 10.
Proverbs Chapter 9 Book Summary:
Proverbs is best understood in context with the books of Ecclesiastes and Job. In Proverbs, “wisdom” is given in short, simple, general terms. Ecclesiastes represents wisdom based on observation and experience. This often shows how the general principles of the book of Proverbs don’t apply in absolutely every circumstance. Job represents wisdom based on the experience of suffering and injustice. All three come to the conclusion that God does indeed know best, and the most sensible course of action is to follow His will.
God still wants us to come to HIM and CAST ALL those CARES, things upon Him, so we won’t try to figure out things on our own. But we want to seek God for HIS wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for EVERY issue, situation, and circumstance we face. GOD CARES FOR US (1 Peter 5:7)!!
Therefore, let us each day, as we read these Proverbs, seek God for HIS wisdom, knowledge, and understanding for WHATEVER situation we are facing!! And I GUARANTEE you that GOD WILL answer us, IF we TRULY seek HIM, LISTEN, AND FOLLOW HIS INSTRUCTIONS!!!
There is ALWAYS something we can look back at, and see how GOD, our ABBA, has brought us out in the past!!
And we can look at our present lives, and see GOD bringing us out of something every day – I KNOW I CAN!! As the song says, God WILL do it again (“Do It Again” by Elevation Worship)!!
GOD IS A GOOD. GOOD, GOOD FATHER to us; HE takes GREAT care of us!!
Just as before, I pray the explanation of each Chapter of the Book of Proverbs, is a BLESSING to you all as you all dive deeper into the Word of God this year!! And don’t forget to pray as you study this material, asking Holy Spirit to give you all the revelational knowledge YOU NEED, to transform your life from the inside out!! I pray this year will be your BEST year ever!! Stay walking hand in hand with our loving Heavenly Father, our ABBA, ALWAYS acknowledging Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in the way you should go daily, not going your own way, and be a disciple of Jesus, not a fan, then you won’t go wrong!!
Click Here for the PDF Version of “Proverbs 9 Explained!!”
Click Here for PDF Version of “Links to Proverbs 1 to 8 Explained!!”
God’s BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
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