“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Hello Ladies!!
I am talking specifically to the ladies in this message! Check out the video below that my friend sent me; in it, Janette Ikz talks about waiting for the man God will send you – it was right on time! I listened to it and it reinforced what I already knew: why waste your time giving your heart to an Ishmael when God has YOUR Isaac for you? My friend Kim use to tell me that a lot! Ladies DO NOT settle for the first man who comes alone, to fulfill your loneliness, or satisfy your emotions; it is a temporary fix – it will not last!! Plus, you are setting yourselves up to be used and abused, because predators can sense your neediness, and will take advantage of you.
I will not settle for less than who God has ordained for me!! I have made up in my mind I will allow God to prepare me for my Isaac, and while He is preparing me for him, God is preparing him for me!! Enough of that temporary stuff! Why give your heart and everything in your heart (on the natural side) to a man who is not yours? Why hope that the man you get involve with is the one, when if you allow God to send the one who is compatible with you, or vice versa, you will never have to go through abuse to find the right one!! Compatibility is the key!! God knows who you will be compatible with so let Him put that person in your path; don’t you go trying to find the man, let the man find you!! The Bible tells us that the man who find a wife finds a good thing; not the woman!! God will put the right person in your path, if you seek Him, but He will not make you marry anyone you do not want to, nor will He force someone to love you, if they do not want to; that will go against our free will!!! Example, if God put a man in your path, and you say no, then it is your choice and God is not going to force you to be with that person. Another example, if you go to your Pastor for marriage counseling and God has told the Pastor that the person is not your husband (and this has happened before to me – God had told me but I did not listen), and you marry anyway, that is your choice, God tried to warn you but you chose someone that was not compatible with you – it will not work!! Oh, you can stay in that marriage and try and make it work, that is your choice too, but you and the other person will be miserable!! I know someone who has been married for over thirty something years and they have no relationship, they don’t sleep in the same bed, and the wife is miserable!! Why in the name of God and good sense (my ex-Pastor use to sayJ) would you put yourself through that just to have someone in your life? Actually, they are not in your life, and that is NOT living the abundant life Jesus died for you to live!! Just wait on God to send you the man that is compatible with you, and you compatible with him!!
Don’t be so quick to rush into a relationship, because what is going to happen, if he is not the one, you will be crushed, depressed, oppressed and don’t want to go on! Does that make any sense? In the past that is how I lived my life up until Oct 2006, when God delivered me from the last abusive marriage and I will NEVER, LIVE MY LIFE THAT WAY AGAIN!!!
While you are becoming emotionally soul tied to guys you think are the one, your Isaac will not come; so pray and ask God to detach you from the man, or men you are attached to, that was not the one, and wait for YOUR God given spouse!! No more giving your heart to someone who is not compatible to you, or you compatible to him, and is not the one God has ordained for you!! I pray that every ungodly soul tie be broken between you and that person or persons, you are tied to, in the Name of Jesus!! God will show you who you need to break those emotional soul ties with!! You deserve more than an occasional fulfillment by Ishmael; You deserve your own man whom God has chosen for you!!
Listen to the words in the video as Janette tells you what to do and what not to do while you are waiting for your God ordained man – she describes the Ishmael and the Isaac. I pray that you will decide this day to wait for YOUR man, and NO LONGER be satisfied with the little attention the Ishmael gives you!! No MORE will you settle for less when YOUR man is waiting for you to line up with God's will, so he can come into your life!! NO MORE!! NO MORE!! YOUR WAIT IS OVER!!
I have made up in my mind that I am going to let God be God in my life, and not try to choose my own mate; if it happens, it will be God's doing not mine!! Therefore, I have shifted my focus to God completely, no more distractions, and I allow Him to finish preparing me, to receive what He has in store for my life!! I told God, “Yes Lord, not my will but yours – I will wait for MY own husband and will not settle for anyone else!!" My life belongs to God and my heart belongs to God!! Instead of being satisfied in a man’s presence who is not your chosen mate, learn how to be satisfied in God’s presence!! Decide today that you will no longer devalue yourselves by allowing any man into your life just because he says, “I love you!!” God love you, and don’t ever forget that!! God loves you so much more, and He wants the best for you!! God knows what you need, who you need, and when you need him!!
Starting this day, allow God to bring the man He suggest for you (I say suggest because He knows who is compatible with you, but the choice is yours)!! Seek God for His direction; acknowledge Him in ALL your ways and watch Him work it out for you; watch God take everything the devil meant for evil and turn around for your good!! But you have to listen to Him and follow His directions!! Don’t go looking for any man to satisfy your fleshy, emotional, lonely desires, but allow God to bring YOUR man, YOUR Isaac to you!! It is going to be worth the wait!! Because THIS man will value you; will build you up; will love you; will treat you like a queen; will pull out the God given everything in you; and you will do the same for him!! Why? Because you both will be compatible with each other and will have no problem becoming one!! Shift YOUR focus to God and don’t worry about a husband – allow God to do what needs to be done in YOU, so you will be ready for your Isaac when he does show up – you will know him when you see him! Wait on God!!
Poem: Janette Ikz - "I Will Wait..For You"
May the peace of God rest, rule, and abide you in your hearts and minds!!
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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