Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

“The One Thing” Devotional by Joseph Prince, Days 28 to 29

DAY 28: You Already Are, You Already Have

24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

Mark 11:24

God's Word tells us that we can have what we ask for in prayer - by simply believing that we already have it! As you are praying, know that you already have your answer or breakthrough - "believe that you receive them." The Bible also tells us that we already have whatever we are praying for because we are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

And you are in Christ the moment you received Him as your Savior. So, when you pray, you are actually releasing your faith to lay hold of what you already have in Christ. And as you keep saying that you already have it (Mark 11:23), you will see the manifestation of it in the natural realm.

In one of our church camps, a church member shared about the back problem she had had for 15 years as a result of a fall from her rooftop. She needed an operation to help stop the shooting pains in her spine. She had also been taking anti-stress pills for five years.

After coming to church, she realized that she had already received her healing through the finished work of Christ. Refusing the operation and even the pills, she would rebuke the pain which kept coming back, saying, "In Jesus, I believe I am healed. I am not trying or going to be healed. I am already healed. I have a brand-new backbone for I am in Christ. As Christ is, so am I in this world." It was not very long before this sister saw the manifestation of her healing.

Sometimes, the symptoms of a sickness or lack may return and you think that you still have not received your blessing. That is the time to release your faith and declare that you already have it. You are not confessing to get it. You are confessing because you already have it in Christ!

My friend, the Bible tells us that Christ is in us (Colossians 1:27). This means that right now, your healing, wellness, family's well-being and everything your heart desires are in you. So, say, "I have everything I need in Christ right now!"


DAY 29: Be Christ-Conscious

7In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace Ephesians 1:7

Have you ever woken up in the morning and said, "Today, I will not sin." And as you leave your house, you say, "I must be careful not to fall into sin today. I don't want to sin. I will not sin!" My friend, when you do this, you are no longer Christ­conscious but sin-conscious, even though you have not sinned yet. Men, have you ever caught yourself thinking, "I don't want to look at any woman in case I lust?” You are being sin-conscious when you think like that. And sooner or later, you will lust in your heart. You may not sin outwardly, but you will sin inwardly.

Have you also tried confessing every sin? I have! As a teenager, when a bad thought came, I would quickly say, "I'm sorry, Lord. Forgive me for this thought in Jesus' name." Then, another thought would come, and I would quickly say, "Forgive me, Lord, for that thought in Jesus' name." Then, if I happen to doubt His forgiveness, I would confess my unbelief and ask for forgiveness: "Forgive me, Lord, for doubting You." Before I knew it, I was oppressed in my mind and so sin-conscious instead of Christ-conscious!

My friend, when you fall into sin, God wants you to be Christ-conscious. This means that when you have missed it, God wants you to be conscious that in Christ, you have forgiveness of sins through His blood. God wants you to be conscious that Christ was wounded and bruised for your sins, and that the chastisement for your peace was upon Him (Isaiah 53:5).

When you are Christ-conscious, you will have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5: 1). You will know that you are the righteousness of God in Christ because He who knew no sin was made sin for you (2 Corinthians 5:21). He took your sin and now you have His righteousness.

So, when you fall, don't be conscious of your failure and feel bad or condemned. Instead, be conscious of who you are in Christ, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue your walk with God!

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing Days 28-29

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 26-27

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 24-25

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 22-23

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 20-21

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 18-19

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 16-17

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 14-15

Click here for PDF version of "The One Thing" Days 1-13

Hi Everyone, I pray all is well with you all and your families! I have posted the new days (28 to 29) of Pastor Joseph Prince's 31 day devotional, "The One Thing!" I will post the other days, as I read them; posting two days at a time. Therefore, the next days you all will receive are "Day 30 & Day 31"  - these will be the last days of the devotional. I also will be posting the previous days, on each of the new days post, that way you all won't have to search for the previous days.

God's Blessings to you all and your families!!

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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