Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

The Origin of Sickness: Where Does Sickness Come From?

The Origin of Sickness: Where Does Sickness Come From?

Excerpts From Terradez Ministries’ Article, “Where Does Sickness Come From?”


Terradez Ministries article, “Where Does Sickness Come From?” states:

To answer this question (“Where Does Sickness Come From?”), we need to go back to the very beginning of creation. When God created Earth and every living thing, He gave all responsibility for creation to Adam and Eve. He said, “Let Us make man in our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Genesis 1:26) (Emphases added by me).


God gave humanity the responsibility for and authority over the entire planet, over all of creation. At that time, there was no sickness, no disease. In fact, there was no death at all! Even the animals didn’t prey upon one another.


***My Commentary - 1***

At the beginning of creation, The Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, Jesus, God the Holy Spirit) created the heavens and the earth, and every living thing in it (Genesis 1:1-25). God created the heavens and the earth first, then the living creatures (He prepared everything for man, before creating him). After that, The Trinity created man, in Their own image, according to Their likeness, creating them male and female, which was Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26-27). Then God blessed Adam and Eve and told them, “Be fruitful and multiple; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28 - NKJV - Emphases added by me).


God HAS given us, all mankind, the responsibility of this earth, and authority over all creation, EXCEPT another human. We DO NOT have the authority to control other people - we as humans have free will. God Himself does not go against our free will, by forcing us to obey Him, or in any other way. Therefore, we should not force people to do what we want them to do.

***End of My Commentary - 1***

Terradez Ministries’ article, Where Does Sickness Come From?” excerpts continued:

However, when Adam and Eve believed the word of the serpent over the Word of God, they gave authority over the earth to the devil. In that moment, they opened the door to sin, strife, disease, anger and death. From that moment, the earth became “fallen.” It was no longer a perfect, sinless place, free from sickness and death.


***My Commentary - 2***

Sin, strife, disease, anger, death, and every other evil work of satan, came into the world as a result of Adam and Eve, turning the dominion of the earth, and every living creature of the earth, that God gave them, over to satan. This transfer to satan, is the reason why people are sick, have disease, etc., NOT because God is putting sickness, disease, or ANY other vile thing of the devil, on people to teach them something!!! That’s LUDICROUS!!! God sent Jesus to fix the MESS (restore mankind back to Him and give us back dominion and authority over the earth - but we must accept and receive what Jesus has done for us, to benefit from His finished works - you accept and receive Jesus’ finished works by accepting Him as your personal Lord and Savior, then becoming Jesus’ disciple), Adam and Eve created when they gave satan dominion over everything He gave them!!! Therefore, why in the world, would God discount the Covenant He made with Jesus, and the bruising, wounding, and terrible disfiguring of Jesus’ body, that REDEEMED us FROM not only sin, but sickness, disease, pain, infirmities, shame, guilt, and EVERY other curse for disobeying His Law, then turnaround and put sickness, disease, or infirmities back on us??? WHY???


God IS NOT the author of sickness, disease, infirmities, pain, or ANY other evil thing of the devil; God DOES NOT partner with the devil!! John 10:10 CLEARLY tells us who the destroyer is (the thief – God IS NOT a thief); the one who IS the author of sickness, disease, infirmities, pain, and EVERY other evil work - the thief come to steal, kill, and destroy BUT Jesus come to give us not just life, but ABUNDANT LIFE (ZOE, “life in the absolute sense, life as God has it” - Vine’s Expository Dictionary per Andrew Wommack, as stated in his “Living Commentary”). 

This is what Andrew said in his, “Living Commentary” and “Andrew’s Life for Today Study Bible Notes,” in reference to John 10:10:

“This boils all theology down to its simplest terms. If it’s bad, it’s from the devil. If it’s good, it’s from God. Satan steals, kills, and destroys. Jesus gives life abundantly.”


Note 5: “The thief mentioned here (in John 10:10) is specifically speaking of the thieves and robbers of John 10:8 who had claimed to be God’s messengers but weren’t. They were selfish (steal), cruel (kill), and destructive (destroy) in contrast to the true Shepherd who was selfless and kind and laid down His life for the sheep. This verse (John 10:10) is still the “acid test” for discerning false messengers of God today as well as the demonic inspiration behind them. The devil steals, kills, and destroys, but God ministers the “ZOE” life - “life in the absolute sense, life as God has it” - Vine’s Expository Dictionary.”


***My Remarks***

Since John 10:10 shows us who is actually stealing, killing, and destroying from us, if you are one of the ones who blames God for killing people, by death, or natural disasters, please STOP IT!!! The devil has your mind twisted - you DON’T know who God is. If you are confessing to be born-again, and seeing God as thief, killer, or destroyer, you don’t know who God is. Neither do you know who Jesus, Holy Spirit is, or who you are in Christ Jesus. The devil has captured your mind like he did Eve’s and taken from you, what Jesus DIED to give you back. The best way to find out The Trinity’s (God the Father, God the Son, Jesus, God the Holy Spirit) and your identity, is to begin studying the Word, asking Holy Spirit to give you revelations, that will set you free from the way you think, and tell you the truth. It’s time to TAKE BACK what the devil stole from you and stop living beneath your privileges! 

***End of My Remarks***

Terradez Ministries’ article, Where Does Sickness Come From?” excerpts continued:

Therefore, today sickness comes sometimes just because we live in a fallen creation. Sickness, disease, birth defects all occur because of the original fall of man and corruption of creation. Sometimes sickness may come as a direct attack from the enemy who is constantly trying to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Just as important is the truth that sickness does not come from God. He does not use illnesses, disease, or accidents to teach us or punish us. 

The Good News is that Jesus came to redeem us from every curse (Galatians 3:13), to restore our authority (Luke 10:19), and provide righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21), healing (Isaiah 53:4-5; 1 Peter 2:24), and prosperity (Philippians 4:19; James 1:17; 3 John 2) to His people once again! (Scriptures added by me)

Click here to read Terradez Ministries’ complete article, “Where Does Sickness Come From?”

In closing, I leave you all John 6:33 to meditate on, so you can rest in Jesus’ finished work of healing. And be comforted by Holy Spirit, until your healing and restoration is manifested in you all’s bodies.

Plus, here are some other Scriptures, you can meditate on. In her teaching, “God Wants You Well!” Gloria Copeland said, you may want to believe that God wants you well, “…but your faith cannot operate beyond your knowledge of His Word.” Therefore, we MUST get the Word INSIDE of our heart, before we can see our FULL healing, and restoration manifest in our bodies.

Psalm 91:9-10, 14-16

Psalms 91:9-10 NKJV - Because you have made the Lord, who is - Bibl...

Psalms 91:14-16 NKJV - “Because he has set his love upon Me, - Bibl...

Psalm 103:1-5

Psalms 103:1-5 NKJV - Praise for the Lord’s Mercies - A - Bible Gat...

Jeremiah 30:17

Jeremiah 30:17 NKJV - For I will restore health to you And - Bible ...

1 John 5:14-15

1 John 5:14-15 NKJV - Confidence and Compassion in Prayer - Bible G...


 John 10:10

John 10:10 NKJV - The thief does not come except to - Bible Gateway

Galatians 3:13

Galatians 3:13 NKJV - Christ has redeemed us from the curse - Bible...

Luke 10:19

Luke 10:19 NKJV - Behold, I give you the authority to - Bible Gateway

2 Corinthians 5:21

2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV - For He made Him who knew no sin to be - B...

Philippians 4:19

Philippians 4:19 NKJV - And my God shall supply all your need - Bib...

James 1:17

James 1:17 NKJV - Every good gift and every perfect gift - Bible Ga...

3 John 2

3 John 2 NKJV - Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in - Bible Gat...


GOD’S BLESSINGS to you all and your families!

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks


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