“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (NKJV). |
My word to you today is trust God!! If there were ever a time to trust God it is now! Don’t trust in your bank account, your job, the economy, other people or anything else that you think will open doors for you; trust in the true and living god to bring you out of every situation/circumstance. God is the ONLY One who can open doors for you, the ones that needs to be opened, and close doors which need to be closed.
Sometimes it might seem as if you are alone but you are never alone; God promised you in Hebrews 13:5 that He would never leave you nor forsake you – God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). I believe God will fight against those who fight against us and will contend with those who contend with us as David asked Him to do in Psalms 35:1. God has given His angels charge over us to protect us and war for us in the spirit realm; most of all, Jesus is sitting on the right hand of the Father interceding for us and the Holy Spirit prays through us to the Father (His perfect will) for our lives –therefore, we are destined to win!!! God has already ordered our steps so all we have to do is walk where He says to walk and trust Him and Him alone!!
As Max Lucado said in his book, “Facing Your Giants:”
“Focus on giants – you stumble
Focus on God – your giants tumble”
In the same book, Max talked about when David went out to fight Goliath: Goliath was so over confident that he made the mistake of tilting his head back to laugh at David. At that moment, David saw there was a small area of flesh exposed on his forehead; that was all he needed! David targeted that area and took the shot; BAM and it was all over for Goliath!!
Just David did, we too must target the enemy (the things that are coming against us) and take the shot with the Word of God!! We will not only knock the devil down but cut off its head at the same time! In your prayer time, allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you (pray in tongues) because He knows what you need to pray for. Trust God no matter what; don’t look at your situation/circumstance but look to God – look past what you can see, which are temporary and see Jesus!!
May the peace of God rest, rule, and abide you in your hearts and minds!!
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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