Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

Wednesday's Words To Live By For February 29th – March 6th 2012 "Don’t Let The Spirit of Deception Deceive YOU”

Here is your Wednesday's Words to Live By for the upcoming week:

Scripture: 1 Peter 5:8-9 ( - NLT)

8 “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.”

This week’s message is especially for women; although, everyone can benefit from it. Don't be so desperate for a husband that you overlook the warning signs God is showing you!!! Follow the warning from the Spirit of discernment! Discern, discern, discern! The spirit of deception is on the loose looking to deceive silly women who are seeking a husband!! Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteous and then everything else will be added. The Bible says a man who finds a wife finds a good thing, not a wife. Don't be in a hurry! That spirit of deception is trying to take you out; this is nothing to play with.

I can tell you about this spirit because the person it was using contacted me a week ago and God delivered me out of its grasp. I knew something was not right, that was the Holy Spirit warning me, but I allowed him to keep talking and later I begin to seek God as to who this guy was and I had my friends praying with me and for me. Because I literally felt that the words he was saying was drawing me to him and I am like, “wait a minute, something is definitely not right.”

See, if I would have listened to the flesh and allowed myself to get caught up in what he was saying, I would have been through, finished:). That night, I had two of my friends pray with me, I had to get serious with this spirit and I wanted God to stop this before I got any deeper, oh I had only been talking with him for ONE week. See how fast that spirit move and try to suck you in?

The next day, God showed me who this guy was, and I cut the ties between us. Just that quick, I had formed an emotional soul tie with him, in one week. Why, because he sent me 72, yes 72 emails in one week. That might not be a lot to you but it is to me:). He was texting me all during the day, saying, he miss me and asking me how was my day. All those enticing words were going where, into my soul.

I did not even have to think on them, once I read them and heard them, they went into my being.

That is why I am revisiting these sociopaths because the devil never gives up, he just go away for a season and come back (Luke 4:13). I have been divorced since July 2006, and since then I have been actively seeking God for God to do whatever need to be done in my life and to do what He called me to do. Now, about six years later, here comes another sociopath.

I was just going to post Donna Andersen’s web site ( which explains fully about sociopaths on Facebook, but God wanted me to share with you the realness of sociopaths also and let you know that sociopaths are the prime candidate for a spirit of deception to use. Why? Because sociopaths has no conscience; they will not think twice about allowing the spirit of deception to use them to totally the destroy you. That should not be a surprise to you, that's what the devil do: steal, kill, and destroys BUT Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly (John 10:10).

Jesus is the good Shepherd, and He protects His sheep (John 10:7-10)! Thank You Jesus for snatching me out of the wolf’s mouth! I thank God for saving me from this spirit of deception and yes I have forgave the person. God let me know no matter what people do to us, we must forgive them. As I was forgiving him, I actually felt sorry for him because he was lost, going around trying to deceive God’s people. So I prayed for his salvation also; I was obedient to God’s Word in Roman 12:14; Luke 6:28; Matthew 5:44-48.

Roman 12:14: “Ask God to bless everyone who mistreats you. Ask him to bless them and not to curse them” ” ( – Contemporary English Version).

Luke 6:28: “Ask God to bless anyone who curses you, and pray for everyone who is cruel to you” ( – Contemporary English Version).

Matthew 5:44-48: “44 But I tell you to love your enemies and pray for anyone who mistreats you. 45 Then you will be acting like your Father in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both good and bad people. And he sends rain for the ones who do right and for the ones who do wrong. 46 If you love only those people who love you, will God reward you for that? Even tax collectors love their friends. 47 If you greet only your friends, what's so great about that? Don't even unbelievers do that? 48 But you must always act like your Father in heaven” ( – Contemporary English Version).

Through this experience, I am writing another book, entitled, “After the Abuse, After the Recovery, Now What?...Moving On With Your Life.” In this book God told me to explain to women the importance of seeking Him BEFORE they decide to get married. God has delivered them, restored them, and taken them through their recovery process, now they “feel” they are ready to get married again but are they really?

Are they so ready that they will overlook the warning signs that God is showing them about that person who came into their lives, saying, “I am a man of God and I love God” but all the time their spirit man is not agreeing with the person?

Are these women who say they love God and want God’s will to be done in their lives going to overlook what God is saying to satisfy the flesh? Something to think about! I am not going to give you too much of a glimpse of my book:) you have to just wait until it is released.

In spite of everything that happened to me last week, I am glad that I had that experience because through it, God has strengthen me so much.

It was hard to get rid of that emotional soul tie, I felt like something was being ripped out of me and when I first stop communicating with this guy, I felt like a part of me was missing. WOW, this stuff is nothing to play with; the devil wants to jack you up so that you get so deep in bondage that it takes a long time to come out of. But he is a liar!!!! Thank God for coming rescuing me! But if I had not prayed and my friends had not prayed for me, by now, I probably would have been so deep in the devil’s control; it would have taken me back into the bondage of domestic violence and abuse.

Therefore, use my experience to not be so quick to get into a relationship. I don’t know what the world happened in my case:). I just answered the guy back after he sent me an email (in 2008 I had posted my info on a Christian web site , yeah I know nowJ and I had not really thought of it since) and I responded. From there, it turned to a full pledge “hot mess” leading to him wanting to marry me:). Another thing, in my opinion, those dating web sites is not a good thing. Anyone can sign up on a Christian web site and pretend to be a Christian; just saying! I know they are not for me!

Anyway, as one of my ex-Pastor’s said, “how in the name of God and good sense” did this happen? These sociopaths are smooth operators but they are not smooth enough to fool the Holy Spirit! Thank God for the Holy Spirit in me recognizing who that guy was when he came into my life. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt! Do not do it! When God reveal the person to you, get out then don’t be fooled! I gave the guy the benefit of the doubt because he said he wanted my friends to pray with us to make sure God approved the relationship; yeah right!

I went to that web site and deleted my profile, AFTER deleting every email, text, chat, picture, poems, etc. that he sent me. Then I had to pray to God and go to the deliverance team at my church for deliverance AND denounce every soul tie formed. It is not worth it! Listen to God the first time He speaks! When you get the first red flag, stop it then, don’t try to give the person the benefit of the doubt; that spirit came to steal, kill, and destroy.

Remember, if you desire to get married you must prepare yourself for marriage! A good web site that can help you prepare is Karen Jantzi’s blog site:    

More Resources:

Excellent web site for information about soul ties and other topics:




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