Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

Hi All,

This is the last teaching in the Forgetting & Forgiving series; this has been a very informative series; it has taken us from the explanation of forgetting and forgiving to the steps for overcoming the fear of rejection and I pray that it has blessed you in a mighty way.

Next week, I will be conducting a week long workshop entitled “Forgiveness;” I have enclosed a copy of the outline for the lecture: Forgiveness Workshop Outline.pdf. I will be sending the actual workshop teaching on next Saturday and you can study it on your own during the week of October 31st. However if you want to get started early, the teaching is on the School of Healing’s web site:; otherwise, I will send it out to you next week.

Here is this week’s devotional link:

Shalom and have a Jesus filled week,

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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