“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
We need a deeper relationship with God like never before so this flesh can be put under subjection to the Holy Spirit-it is the flesh, the soul that cries out for the things of the flesh (i.e. all worldly things) but we need to strengthen our spirit man so we can desire the things of the Spirit!!
In order to do this we must meditate on God's Word day and night and spend time alone with Him; we must seek things from above and not below (things of this world), we must come up higher in the things of God so our minds will be spiritual and not carnal, we must seek daily to enter in His rest, the finished work of Jesus, and to do these things of God - our minds must be renewed in the things of God as the Word says: be transformed by the renewing of our minds with the Word of God!!
We must love God with ALL our heart, ALL our minds, ALL our soul, EVERYTHING within in us so we will be able to love our neighbors as ourselves; if we do not love ourselves we cannot love others and if we do not learn from God who we are in Him, we cannot love ourselves!! So you see, we don't have time for foolishness or to play games with people or the devil; allowing what the devil or the people who the devil uses to disrupt our lives - we must get connected to God at any cost and stay connected to Him - we must be and stay committed to knowing Jesus and the Power of His resurrection but to know Him and the Power of His resurrection (the Holy Spirit) we must go through suffering (Jesus tells us in this world we will have tribulations but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world so we stand in His strength when these things come against us) without complaining!!
We are followers of Christ, we are His disciples, we have His mind, and we have Jesus' victories, so why do we succumb to the threats of the enemy or his smoke screens? We should not!! And we WILL not any longer!!
We are the Brides of Christ and we must be preparing ourselves for His return; we cannot be like the five foolish virgins who had not prepared for their Bridegroom return - they waited to the last minute to try and find oil for their lamps and missed the Bridegroom’s return!! We want to be like the five wise virgins and have our lamps trimmed and burning bright (we be filled up with the Holy Spirit to overflow so there will be NO room for anything in us that is NOT of God) and ready for our Bridegroom, Jesus, when He returns!!
Let's move forward in God, NOT looking back, NOT allowing the devil or people to take us back in our minds or by any other means; let's look to Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith and He will help us overcome what we face each and every day if we trust Him!! Jesus has already finished the fight, He has conquered EVERYTHING that would EVER try to come against us therefore what we need to do now is allow Him to lead us through the land mines of life, since He knows where we should and should not step - we need to follow Him!!
As David said, God's Word (Jesus) is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path!! The only thing that is standing in our way is choice; making up in our minds to really be followers of Christ without compromising!! To be a follower of Christ (His disciple) means to do what Christ did, learn from Him and walk in His way EVERY DAY of our life!! As Kyle Idleman says “Are you a follower or fan of Jesus Christ?” Kyle talks about being a follower or fan of Jesus in his book, “Not a Fan!” He wants us to consider ALL the demands and rewards of being a true disciple. Kyle ask the questions, “Do you live the way Jesus lived? Do you love the way He loved? Do you pray the way He prayed?” When we decide to accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior do we really count the cost?
Most, including myself, look only at the benefits we will be get in return. But being Christ’s disciple includes more than that; it is evident by the disciples in Jesus’ time what they went through – we will suffer persecutions and bad things will happen to us BUT God will turn EVERYTHING around for our good that the devil meant for evil if we love Him and are called according to His purpose!!
We cannot be slack in our walk with Jesus as His disciples but we must be responsible, accountable Christians; responsible and accountable not ONLY to God but to those who He has placed us under (our spiritual Leaders – especially our Pastors!); we CANNOT do what we want and take God’s grace or His Leaders for granted!!
We cannot go to the right or left but must keep straight on the road that He has set us on and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and NOT the flesh; let the gift of discernment lead us by hearing what the Holy Spirit is telling us - warnings and instructions!!
Let's make up in our minds TODAY, that we are going to lay aside (choose - getting to make choices is a powerful thing IF we make the right choice! We have the right to say "Yes" or "No" when the enemy or people comes to us with something - we know right from wrong through the Holy Spirit's promptings so let us use choices to make the right decision; again, not according to what the flesh or soul want but according to what the Spirit of God wants) EVERY sin and weight that is so easy to beset us; we are saying "Yes" to God and "No" to the tools of the devil and to the desires of the soul!! Once and for all we are rising up in the things of God; we are loving God and hating things He hate; we are seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness and waiting on Him to provide us with what we need according to His will for our lives; we are trusting God to provide what we need not what we think we need!!
We declare and decree this day that God is in total control of our lives and we will NOT fear, fret, worry, stress, or faint when we go through tribulations - Jesus has ALREADY overcome ALL these things for us, now let's believe Him and keep our eyes on the prize - this world is NOT our home so let us not build up treasures here but build our treasures up in Heaven where we will live for all eternity with our Heavenly Father!!
In His Service,
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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