Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

Daily Scripture Interactive Study for September 28, 2022

Hello everyone, I pray you all and your families are well!! And I pray this interactive scripture study, is helping you in your daily walk with Jesus, as His disciple. Here is our interactive scripture study for today. As I mentioned before, an interactive scripture study will help us be more proactive with our daily scripture reading; it is a deeper study of the scriptures, also helps us to pray the scriptures, and meditate on them better. Therefore, let’s DIVE into the Word of God!! Are you ready? Let’s go!!

Today our scripture is coming from John 10:27-30 NLT which tells us, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”

My Commentary & Prayer:

My observation & what I see: I am Jesus’s sheep and I listen to His voice ONLY – a stranger I WILL NOT follow!! I have eternal life through Jesus; I get to live in intimate fellowship with Father, and Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit and I will NEVER perish!! Once I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, Father gave me to Jesus, and I received eternal life! And nothing and no one can change that!!

What is God saying to ME today & how can I apply John 10:27-30 NLT to MY life?

Jesus is letting me know, that I don’t have to wait until I get to heaven to have eternal life; I have eternal life right now!! I can apply these verses of scriptures to my life today, by meditating (pondering them in my heart) on them and declaring and decreeing them, until it gets into my heart.

What is MY prayer from John 10:27-30 NLT?

This is my prayer of thanksgiving that I created from the above scriptures; you can use it or create your own – it does not matter as long as we declare and decree God’s Word over our lives every day:

“Father thank You for giving me to Jesus, who is my Protector and Shepherd! And no one is big or bad enough to snatch me out of His hands. I have eternal life through Jesus, my Lord and Savior and that’s a guarantee and no one can change that. I thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit for my life and not just ordinary life but ABUNDANT LIFE, You gave me Jesus!!”

Ok, it’s you all’s turn!

What is YOUR observation of John 10:27-30 NLT? What do YOU see?

What is God saying to YOU today, as YOU read John 10:27-30 NLT? How can YOU apply John 10:27-30 NLT to YOUR life?

What is YOUR prayer from John 10:27-30 NLT?

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God’s Blessings to you all and your families!

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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