“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
“Importance of Forgiveness” Program Session Summary & Videos
The first Program in the "Journey of Freedom" Program is the "Importance of Forgiveness" Program (Sessions 1-7, now have the YouTube video attached to the title. Session 7 is the final session for the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program – the next session we will study will be, “Violence & Abuse,” on August 24, 2020).
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 1 (7-6-2020):In Session 1, “Overview & Introduction” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, gives a full explanation of the Program, with the Agenda:
The “AWM Counseling Recovery Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program” is a 7-week Program, adapted from Dr. Art Mathias’ book, "Biblical Foundations of Freedom Destroying Satan’s Lies With God ’s Truth,” designed to help people get rid of toxic emotions (of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness, etc.) that has been caused by the trauma (abuse, sexual assault, etc.) they have suffered, throughout their lives so they can recover. The recovery process begins, when they decide to forgive – forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling!! Therefore, the person cannot receive complete recovery, until these unresolved issues (toxic emotions of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness, etc.) are gone from his/her life. Those toxic emotions can cause all sorts of diseases in your souls, and physical bodies; that is why forgiveness is so important. Unforgiveness plays a big role in how we live our lives, and how we react to things in our lives. As we get into the details of the program later, you will see how unforgiveness can create havoc in our lives, and cause us to have unhappy relationships with family, friends, spouses, etc.
The main goal of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, is “To help you obtain wholeness from all emotional, psychological, and any other effects, that domestic violence and abuse, or other issues of the past, have caused you so you will be able to live, the abundant life Jesus died so you could live. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. Again, to contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.”
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
Next week’s Topic (Session 2, 7-13-2020): “Satan’s Major Strongholds, Principalities, & Powers.” Subtopics: “The Origin of Negative Thoughts: Accusing Spirits” & “Characteristics of Accusing Spirits.
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 2 (7-13-2020): In Session 2, “Satan’s Major Strongholds, Principalities, & Powers,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following topics:
*Who are we fighting against according to Ephesians 6:12? According to Ephesians 6:12, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” our gift of discernment will reveal where that thought is coming from so we will know to accept the thought or cast it down as 2 Corinthians 10:5 says: “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (www.biblegateway.com).
*Name Satan’s major strongholds which he uses to make up his principalities. Satan’s major strongholds (weapons he uses against us) are bitterness, self-bitterness, jealousy and envy, rejection, fear, unbelief and the occult. These weapons are used to build Satan’s principalities which millions of demons (powers) make up.
*Where does a negative thought come from? Accusing spirits
*How does satan and his entities gain access to our thought life? Satan and his entities obtain access to our thought life from the second
*How to stop satan from gaining access to our thought life. Our gift of discernment will reveal where that thought is coming from so we will know to accept the thought or cast it down as 2 Corinthians 10:5 says: “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”(www.biblegateway.com).
Watch the video for this week’s Session for the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, to fully understand, who we are fight against, according to Ephesians 6:12, satan’s major strongholds, how satan and his entities gain access to our thoughts, and most importantly, how to stop accusing spirits, from gaining control of our thoughts, and much more. God’s Blessings to you all and your families! To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. Again, to Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.”
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
Next week’s Topic (Session 3, 7-20-2020): “Receiving Forgiveness.” BEFORE Jesus Fulfilled ALL Requirements of the Law, there were conditions to receive forgiven from God; not anymore. We are now under the New Covenant of Grace; we do not have to perform, in order for God to forgive us. Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection bought us forgiveness of sin, and healing of our bodies.
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 3 (7-20-2020): In Session 3, “Receiving Forgiveness,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following topics:
*What were the two conditions to receive forgiveness, before Jesus died?
1.We must forgive others - Matthew 6:9-12 - Before Jesus went to the Cross, He said that we were to ask the Father to forgive us our sins, when or in the same way we forgive those that have sinned against us. Before Jesus' death, God gave us a requirement to fulfill before He will forgive our sins. Our forgiveness was directly tied to others. Now, Jesus has taken our sins, and given us His righteousness. However, we still need to forgive others and obedient to God.
2.Ask God to forgive us - I John 1:9 - What happens if we do not confess our sins and forgive ourselves? We are still forgiven because of Jesus, but if we don't know that, the guilt, shame, anger, regret, sadness, hatred, bitterness, etc. continue to torment us in that memory, and in our lives. If we harbor unforgiveness against anyone, including against ourselves, God will forgive our sins, but we will be in bondage to unforgiveness. When we do not forgive others, they are not the one who will be suffer, we will; and not only us but everyone who is associated with us.
*What happens if we do not confess our sins and forgive ourselves? We are still forgiven because of Jesus, but if we don't know that, the guilt, shame, anger, regret, sadness, hatred, bitterness, etc. continue to torment us in that memory, and in our lives. If we harbor unforgiveness against anyone, including against ourselves, God will forgive our sins, but we will be in bondage to unforgiveness. When we do not forgive others, they are not the one who will be suffer, we will; and not only us but everyone who is associated with us.
*If you bury a root of bitterness, what does it do?
It grows. satan's demons water and fertilize it, so that it will continue to grow. Our lives become so filled with pain that we are unable to forgive. This is satan's favorite weapon, the inability to forgive.
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 3 (7-20-2020), “Receiving Forgiveness,” Additional Notes:
Before Jesus died, the people were still under the Old Covenant (Law) and after Jesus’ death, the New Covenant (Grace) became effective. That is why Jesus said in Matthew 6:15, if they did not forgive, God would not forgive. But Paul said in Ephesians 4:32, after Jesus’ death, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you” (NASB). In Colossians 3:12-13, Paul says, “So as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also should you” (NASB). These Scriptures shows that God will forgive us, if we don’t forgive others. Our forgiveness by God, is not dependent on what we do, or don’t do, but is dependent on Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection for us; His taking away our sins and fulfilling EVERY REQUIREMENT of the Law.
I recommend these resources, to help you understand the God’s grace by Pastor Creflo Dollar: “A Forgiven People,” and his teaching, “Looking Through the Lens of Grace.”
This is what Pastor Creflo Dollar said in his article, “A Forgiven People:”
“God has chosen not to impute our sins and mistakes against us; therefore, we can do the same for others. The essence of forgiving others is to just “let it go.” This is more than just a catchy phrase or a slogan, but a deliberate act. “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32). The finished works of Jesus made forgiveness available for us to claim by faith. Before His death on the cross, the people had to forgive, first, before God could forgive them. “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:15). That all changed after His resurrection. Jesus had every right to hold a grudge against the people who crucified Him, but even while He was hanging on the cross, He refused to. “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do…” (Luke 23:34).”
An excellent teaching to help you understand, the difference between the Old and New Covenant, is by Pastor Creflo Dollar, “Looking Through the Lens of Grace” (Study Notes Sessions 1, 2, 3, & 6) & Videos are below (I don’t have “Part 5-1”):
Part 5-1
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.”
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
Next week’s Topic (Session 4, 7-27-2020): “Definition of Bitterness.”
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 4 (7-27-2020): In Session 4, “Definition of Bitterness,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following topics:
*Definition of Bitterness – Part 2B: Bitterness is an extreme form of anxiety and stress which affects every organ in our bodies. Most organic diseases (one which involves or affects physiology or bodily organs. A disease in which there is a physiological change to some tissue or organ of the body) are tied to bitterness, including cancer. All of the auto-immune diseases are tied to self-bitterness; bitterness also drives divorce, heart disease and digestive problems.
*How Many Times to Forgive? – Part 2B-1: Jesus taught us to forgive 70 x 7 = 490 times in 24 hours. The principle is that forgiveness needs to be an ingrained attitude, occurring naturally all of the time. Forgiveness should be as automatic as breathing - and just as important. The Kingdom of God is not a democracy; we don’t get to vote on how the rules are written.
*What are the results of unforgiveness? – Part 2B-1:
*First, we will be in disobedience to Jesus, because He tells us to forgive. Matthew was a part of the Old Testament Law, but now, God will forgive our sins because Jesus took our sins upon Himself. But we still want to forgive others. (Matthew 6:12).
*Secondly, the person will be turned over to the tormentors (Matthew 11:35). This is serious. Who are the tormentors? Evil spirits. Some people consider evil spirits to be imaginary, but the Bible teaches that they are very real, and they cause tremendous suffering.
*Thirdly, the person is held in bondage to the memories and pain caused by the bitterness. Bitterness causes the person to constantly remember what has happened to him/her and these memories control their lives. Jesus has set us free from all this now, but we must accept what He HAS done for us; otherwise, we will remain in bondage - we must know who we are in Christ. Jesus died for ALL of mankind, but mankind has to accept Jesus, to live in peace.
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.”
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
Next week’s Topic (Session 5, 8-3-2020): “Armor of Bitterness.” There are differing levels of authority and power in Satan's realm. Each specific evil spirit answers to another spirit higher up the line of authority. Just below Satan in this pecking order are his principalities. It is through this hierarchy of evil spirits and principalities that Satan continually seeks to draw us into captivity, taking control of our lives. The evil spirit who presides at each step up in the hierarchy of a principality is eviler than the ones below him.
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 5 (8-3-2020): In Session 5, “Armor of Bitterness,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following:
*The level of authority and power in Satan’s realm: There are differing levels of authority and power in Satan's realm. Each specific evil spirit answers to another spirit higher up the line of authority. Just below Satan in this pecking order are his principalities. It is through this hierarchy of evil spirits and principalities that Satan continually seeks to draw us into captivity, taking control of our lives. The evil spirit who presides at each step up in the hierarchy of a principality is eviler than the ones below him.
*What is a principality? A principality is a ruling demon that has several lesser demons answering to Bitterness is a ruling demon. Answering to it, giving it protection and providing its armor are: 1) Unforgiveness, 2) Resentment, 3) Retaliation, 4) Anger, 5) Hatred, 6) Violence, 7) Murder – these are the powers which Ephesians 6:12 talks about.
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.”
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
Next week’s Topic (Session 6, 8-10-2020): “The Antidote for Bitterness.” There are three antidotes for bitterness:
*First, we must recognize that we are bitter. This is harder than it sounds. God said in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." If there is any evidence of unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger, hatred, violence, or murder in our lives, we have bitterness. If there is any pain in any memory, there is bitterness. If we go to bed at night leaving issues unresolved, we will wake the next day with the root of bitterness already having budded in our spirit. Admitting that we have bitterness is the first step to recovery.
*Secondly, we must repent of the sin of bitterness. Repent means that we fall out of agreement with a thing and turn away from it. And we ask God to forgive us.
*Thirdly, we must forgive others and ourselves. How do we do this? We will explain this in the session, “How Do We Forgive?”
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 6 (8-10-2020): In Session 6, “The Antidote for Bitterness,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following:
*There are three antidotes for bitterness:
*First, we must recognize that we are bitter. This is harder than it sounds. God said in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." If there is any evidence of unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger, hatred, violence, or murder in our lives, we have bitterness. If there is any pain in any memory, there is bitterness. If we go to bed at night leaving issues unresolved, we will wake the next day with the root of bitterness already having budded in our spirit. Admitting that we have bitterness is the first step to recovery.
*Secondly, we must repent of the sin of bitterness. Repent means that we fall out of agreement with a thing and turn away from it. And we ask God to forgive us.
*Thirdly, we must forgive others and ourselves. How do we do this? We will explain this in the session, “How Do We Forgive?”
*How Do We Forgive? – Part 2C-1
o We start with the sure knowledge that every negative thing that ever happened to us was planned in hell. Our parents, spouse, children, boss, siblings, and peers— whoever has inflicted pain in our lives — served as a tool of the devil. Understanding this moves us toward forgiveness. Understanding this allows us to feel compassion toward others and separate them from their sins. God the Father is the giver of every good and perfect gift…if it is not good and perfect, it is from the devil (James 1:17).
In Ephesians 2:2, the Bible describes the spirit that is at work in the sons of disobedience. This spirit teaches disobedience.
This is what Ephesians 2:2 says: “in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience” (www.biblegateway.com NKJV).
We have a choice to allow the “prince of the power of the air” to work in us or to allow the Holy Spirit of God to work in us. Through the Holy Spirit we can have power and dominion over Satan and his works. The choice is ours.
o Next, we must learn how to intelligently hate the real culprit, Satan. Intelligently directing our hatred toward Satan opens a pathway to freedom by allowing us to forgive other. Not many of us have really hated the devil. Instead, we have hated each other. Galatians 5:15 says, "But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you consume one another."
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete.
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.”
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
Next week’s Topic (Final Session, 8-17-2020): In Session 7, “Self- Bitterness,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following:
*Definition of “Self” – Part 3A-1: Now that we have learned how to forgive others, let’s look at how to forgive ourselves; we will start with the definition of the word, “self.” The dictionary defines "self' as "by its self'" “an individual” or "separate." A self is a separate, unique identity. Each of us is separately and uniquely different, and we stand alone as individuals. Psalms 139 says that God made each of us "fearfully and wonderfully."
*Self-Hatred (Unloving Spirits) – Part 3A-2: What is an unloving spirit? It's a spirit that attaches to us and attacks us, seeking to make us feel self- rejected, unclean and The Unloving Spirit - Kingdom of Self - is the principality of self-bitterness, and it is protected by strong armor; but the devil and his demons are not stronger than God – NOTHING AND NOBODY OR NO THING CAN DEFEAT GOD!!
*Principality of Self-Bitterness – Part 3B: It uses weapons of self-pity, self- abuse, self-rejection, self-hatred, competition, self-pride, self- enthronement, false piety, self-mutilation, excessive eating and bingeing.
Domestic Violence Seminar, Session 7 (8-10-2020), Final Session: In Session 7, “Self-Bitterness,” of the “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following:
*Definition of “Self” – Part 3A-1: Now that we have learned how to forgive others, let’s look at how to forgive ourselves; we will start with the definition of the word, “self.” The dictionary defines "self' as "by its self'" “an individual” or "separate." A self is a separate, unique identity. Each of us is separately and uniquely different, and we stand alone as individuals. Psalms 139 says that God made each of us "fearfully and wonderfully."
*Self-Hatred (Unloving Spirits) – Part 3A-2: What is an unloving spirit? It's a spirit that attaches to us and attacks us, seeking to make us feel self- rejected, unclean and unworthy. The Unloving Spirit - Kingdom of Self - is the principality of self-bitterness, and it is protected by strong armor; but the devil and his demons are not stronger than God – NOTHING AND NOBODY OR NO THING CAN DEFEAT GOD!!
*Principality of Self-Bitterness – Part 3B: It uses weapons of self-pity, self- abuse, self-rejection, self-hatred, competition, self-pride, self- enthronement, false piety, self-mutilation, excessive eating and bingeing.
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
The first meeting of the “Domestic Violence Seminar,” was held on July 6, 2020, via Zoom. The subsequent sessions will be held via Zoom on Mondays at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern), and will continue until the sessions are complete (we estimate the “Journey of Freedom” Program will complete May 17, 2021. The next component of the “Journey of Freedom” Program, is “Violence & Abuse,” and it will begin August 24, 2020).
Zoom meeting information:
Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
Dr. Dorothy Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered are in the "Journey of Freedom" Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman.” We will be studying these programs in the order they are listed here.
A certificate of completion will be awarded upon the successful completion of the “Journey of Freedom” Program by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, and Minister James will also award a certificate of completion, per his guidelines of the course. For more information about Minister James’ guidelines of the course, please contact him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
Everett James, Th.D.
Eastern Missouri Bible College
All of the seven sessions of the "Importance of Forgiveness" Program, are now posted on YouTube; the links to the video are on the titles of the sessions. Session seven is the last session of the “Forgiveness” Program.
As I stated above, the next component of the “Journey of Freedom” Program, is "Violence & Abuse" and it will begin August 24, 2020 (click the link on the title for the syllabus for that program. All of the “Journey of Freedom” Programs will be held via Zoom every Monday, at 5:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Eastern).
Zoom meeting information: Meeting ID: 890 4165 4195 - Password: 930178
Click here for Complete “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, so you can have it to study at any time. Although the “Forgiveness” Program has ended, you can always go back and study it anytime. After each session, in the description of the title for that week, is listed the Zoom information for the live sessions, along with the title and date of the next session. I pray this program has been a blessing to you, and that God has or will deliver, heal, and restore you from all unforgiveness, including against yourself. I pray for your continual healing and restoration, for any and all things that keeps you from following after God! Click here for PDF version of this information.
If you have any questions, contact me at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org or Minister Everette James at embiblecollege@yahoo.com.
God's Blessings to you all and your families,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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