Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

"Importance of Forgiveness" Recovery Program Begins June 21, 2020! Session 1 - Part 1A - Overview & Introduction

The “AWM  Importance  of  Forgiveness  Recovery  Program”  is a 7-week Program, adapted from Dr. Art Mathias’ book, "Biblical Foundations of Freedom Destroying Satan’s Lies With God ’... designed to help people get rid of toxic emotions (of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness,  etc.)  that has been caused by the trauma (abuse, sexual assault, etc.) they   have   suffered, throughout their lives so they can recover. The recovery process begins, when they decide to forgive – forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling!! Therefore, the person cannot receive complete recovery, until these unresolved issues (toxic emotions of  anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection,    fear,  pride, bitterness, etc.) are gone from his/her life.  Those toxic  emotions    can   cause all   sorts of   diseases    in  your   souls, and physical bodies; that is why forgiveness is so important. Unforgiveness plays a big role in how we live our lives, and how we react to things in our lives. As we get into the details of the program later, you will see how unforgiveness can create havoc in our lives, and cause us to have unhappy relationships with family, friends, spouses, etc.

The AWM Counseling Recovery Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program, is the first course in the “Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences" Program (JOF). The JOF Program is a declaration, to continually pursue your freedom from whatever that has had you in bondage for years, recently, or at present!! Continually pursuit of your freedom means that you will stay free by any means necessary!! You will no longer tolerate foolishness of any kind!! You will rise up and by God's grace take back everything that the enemy has stolen from you (your self-esteem, your self-worth, your freedom to live life as God designed you to, your boldness God gave you through Jesus, and much, much more)!! Your life is NOT over; it’s just beginning, and the best is yet to come!!! God has a plan and purpose for your life, and I am your life Coach; I am here to show you how to be set free from bondages, so you can know and embrace God's will for your life!!

The journey may not be easy, but God got you in the palm of His hand and nothing, and nobody will be able to pluck you out!! God will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!! Trust Him!! You WILL move forward; not backward!!! You ARE gaining your momentum; God is catapulting YOU into YOUR destiny!!!

The goals of AWM Importance of Forgiveness Counseling Recovery Program are:

*To help you obtain wholeness from all emotional, psychological, and any other effects, that domestic violence and abuse, or other issues of the past, have caused you so you will be able to live, the abundant life Jesus died so you could

*To get things that are worrying you out of your mind, so your mind will be free to take in, and think about new As long as the old things are hindering you, you will never be able to embrace the new – the old will always be present – however, drown out the old and embrace the new God has for you.

*Once the healing has taken place, you will be able to set effective goals, and carry them out so you can live trauma, and drama

I suggest you begin each teaching with prayer for God to give you understanding and to speak to you about anything in your life that needs to be healed. The “Discussion” section of the Agenda is the material for you to study; each discussion is 30 minutes, but you can take longer if you would like. If you have any questions, contact me at You don’t have to turn in any assignments to me, keep them for your reference and review.


To help you get a solid foothold in the Word of God, here are some references, to great resources that will help you study God’s Word:


Pastor Greg Laurie’s website


Association of Clergy International Bible Training Course website


Welcome to YOUR "Journey of Freedom!!" Let the Recovery begin!!! We are praying for YOU!! May God give you the strength you need for your journey! If you have any questions, as I stated earlier, contact me via email:

Click Here for PDF Version of S1 Part 1A

May God give you the strength you need for your journey!

God's Blessings to you all and your Families,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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NOTE: These materials are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks: and Dr. Art Mathias:

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