“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Hello, I am glad you decided to take the necessary steps, to get set completely free, from the bondage of domestic violence and abuse! Praise God you made it this far, and for Him taking you all the way!!
I wanted to include some instructions on how to complete the Program, but if you have any questions as you are going through the Program, let me know. You can reach me directly, via email: drdehooks@abusedwoman.org.
This Program is designed for independent study, one-on-one study, or group study. Therefore, if you are taking this Program as an independent study, disregard the information that says anything like, I will post the sessions every week; that part is only for one-on-one and group studies with me – you have the COMPLETE Program, so I will not post anything else.
You will proceed through each part of the Program sections, one at a time; not going on to the next section, until you have completed the first one; just follow the outline in each part of the Program.
To obtain the book for each section, click the link in that section for the book, or click the topic link in the outline, at the beginning, to open the book. For example, to obtain the book for “The Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program,” click that topic’s link in the outline, and the book will open; if you open it from the outline, there is no need to click the link in the section itself.
A. AWM Counseling Recovery Program:
* The Importance of Forgiveness RecoveryProgram
* Violence & Abuse Recovery Program
* Anger Management Recovery Program
C. "Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman" Book Discussion Gr...
* Rejection
* Loneliness
About It! The name says it all! "Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences" is a declaration for now and in the future, that you are going to continually pursue your freedom, from whatever that has had you in bondage for years, recently, or at present!! Continually pursuit of your freedom means that you will stay free by any means necessary!! You will no longer tolerate foolishness of any kind!! You will rise up, and by God's grace take back everything, that the enemy has stolen from you (your self-esteem, your self-worth, your freedom to live life as God designed you to, your boldness God gave you through Jesus, and much, much more)!! This year is the beginning of your life, and the best is yet to come!!! God has a plan and purpose for your life and I am your life Coach; I am here to show you how to be set free from bondages, so you can know, and embrace, God's will for your life!!
Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. is dedicated to helping women, their children, and men who have been abused! We do this by providing them with the tools they need to recover, from the bondage of domestic violence, and abuse. However, we know that domestic violence/abuse is not the only traumatic event, that can keep a person from having a healthy relationship! Therefore, we will also focus on recovering from the following traumatic experiences, in the "Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences:" sexual assault, rejection, abandonment, neglect, loneliness... (and whatever other traumatic experience God gives me to include).
“The AWM Counseling Recovery Program's Importance of Forgiveness Re... is the first course to your "Journey of Freedom Program!" I am dedicated to walking with you (I cannot do it for you - I am an instrument that God is using to help you recover - as He gives me your tools of recovery, I give them to you, then you must decide to take this journey), so are you dedicated to take the journey? If so, let me know by responding to me by email, at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org! The journey may not be easy, but we are in this together, and we will hold each other up; no person left behind!! If you have any problem, let know by email!! We got you!! Most importantly, God got you in the palm of His hand, and nothing and nobody, will be able to pluck you out!! God will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!! Trust Him!!
The “Journey of Freedom Program,” is part of Abused Woman Ministries, Inc., “Abused Woman Recovery Program” (AWRP); an explanation of the AWRP, is attached at the beginning of the teaching below. Now let's do this!! We are moving forward; not backward!!! We are gaining our momentum; God is catapulting us into our destiny!!! Welcome to your "Journey of Freedom!!" Let the Recovery begin!!!
You don’t have to turn in any assignments to me, keep them for your reference and review. Again, if you have any questions, email me at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org.
God bless you on your journey to wholeness!
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks
Click here for Complete Updated "Journey of Freedom" Recovery Program
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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