The purpose of this prayer is to expose possible roots of present ungodly, negative emotions (fear, anxiety, self-hatred, and anger) embedded in a person's emotions from the womb. After each item listed above (fear, anxiety, self-hatred, and anger), wait in silence a moment to give the Holy Spirit time to bring revelation – may give you other negative emotions that were embedded into your emotions by your parents while you were in your mother’s womb and He might not say anything – just be ready to write down what He tells you.
Holy Spirit, I submit to you in this prayer and ask that you would come and bring me Your truth. I purpose and choose to forgive whoever for whatever has happened in my life. In the name of Jesus, I cancel all of Satan's power and authority over me for whatever has happened. Lord Jesus Christ, as my Redeemer, I ask that you would come and redeem me from all ungodly emotions embedded in my prenatal life and memories.
(Wait and listen after each segment)
- If I was conceived out of wedlock by fornication or adultery-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to give me validation and legitimacy as a born again son (child) of God (Galatians 4: 5-6, Colossians 1:13)
- If I was conceived in fear, anxiety, pain, or anger-I ask you, Lord Jesus, that you would bring me your healing presence (Matthew, 28:20)
- If I was ignored, hated, or rejected in the womb-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to immerse me in your favor and peace (John 14:27)
- If I experienced any violence or discomfort in the womb-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to bring me your consolation and solace (II Corinthians 1:4, 7:6)
- If my mother was absent emotionally or my father was absent emotionally or physically while I was in the womb-I ask you, Heavenly Father, that you would come to me with your presence (Psalms 10:14, 68:5, 82:5)
- If I was not the sex my parents hoped for-I ask you, Lord Jesus, for your affirmation and acceptance, (Psalm 139:13-16)
- If I was birthed in struggle and physical pain-I ask you, Holy Spirit, "The Comforter" to bring me your comfort (John 14:16, 26)
- If either my mother or father did not bond with me at my birth-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to knit me to yourself in love (Colossians 2:2)
- Holy Spirit, come into my heart and heal me of any pain and hurt and tell me your words of truth
Prayer courtesy of:
Dr. Art Mathias, taken from his book,
“Biblical Foundations of Freedom”
Wellspring Ministries of Alaska
2511 Sentry Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Phone: 907.563.9033
E-mail: akwellspr@aol.com
Web Site: www.akwellspring.com
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