Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

The purpose of this prayer is to expose possible roots of present ungodly, negative emotions (fear, anxiety, self-hatred, and anger) embedded in a person's emotions from the womb. After each item listed above (fear, anxiety, self-hatred, and anger), wait in silence a moment to give the Holy Spirit time to bring revelation – may give you other negative emotions that were embedded into your emotions by your parents while you were in your mother’s womb and He might not say anything – just be ready to write down what He tells you.




Holy Spirit, I submit to you in this prayer and ask that you would come and bring me Your truth. I purpose and choose to forgive whoever for whatever has happened in my life. In the name of Jesus, I cancel all of Satan's power and authority over me for whatever has happened. Lord Jesus Christ, as my Redeemer, I ask that you would come and redeem me from all ungodly emotions embedded in my prenatal life and memories.

(Wait and listen after each segment)


  • If I was conceived out of wedlock by fornication or adultery-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to give me validation and legitimacy as a born again son (child) of God (Galatians 4: 5-6, Colossians 1:13)


  • If I was conceived in fear, anxiety, pain, or anger-I ask you, Lord Jesus, that you would bring me your healing presence (Matthew, 28:20)


  • If I was ignored, hated, or rejected in the womb-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to immerse me in your favor and peace (John 14:27)


  • If I experienced any violence or discomfort in the womb-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to bring me your consolation and solace (II Corinthians 1:4, 7:6)


  • If my mother was absent emotionally or my father was absent emotionally or physically while I was in the womb-I ask you, Heavenly Father, that you would come to me with your presence (Psalms 10:14, 68:5, 82:5)


  • If I was not the sex my parents hoped for-I ask you, Lord Jesus, for your affirmation and acceptance, (Psalm 139:13-16)


  • If I was birthed in struggle and physical pain-I ask you, Holy Spirit, "The Comforter" to bring me your comfort (John 14:16, 26)


  • If either my mother or father did not bond with me at my birth-I ask you, Lord Jesus, to knit me to yourself in love (Colossians 2:2)


  • Holy Spirit, come into my heart and heal me of any pain and hurt and tell me your words of truth

Prayer courtesy of:

Dr. Art Mathias, taken from his book,

“Biblical Foundations of Freedom”

Wellspring Ministries of Alaska

2511 Sentry Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99507

Phone: 907.563.9033


Web Site:

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