“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
In your spirit, you have the complete measure of faith. You don’t need more faith from God because you already have all you’ll ever need. Your faith isn’t small, immature, or in the process of growing; it’s already as perfect and complete as the faith of Jesus. You just need to renew your mind and learn to release it!
When I first became serious about God, I started hungering to see in my life what I saw in the lives of Bible characters. When I read things in the Word, I knew they weren’t just for the people back then. Even though I hadn’t seen any of those things manifest prior to that time, I knew in my heart they were for me now too. Since faith is what releases the supernatural ability of God, I began a quest to start operating in His kind of faith. Of course, I misunderstood a number of things at first. I thought faith was something to be obtained. I believed that I had to do things after being saved in order to make God give me more faith. Because of this, I felt my faith was inadequate every time I came up against a problem. I just embraced such recurring thoughts as, Faith works, but I just don’t have enough of it, and What I’ve got is too puny! That was my attitude. However, through this revelation of spirit, soul, and body, the Lord cleared up my misunderstandings about faith and revolutionized my life and ministry!
Faith Was A Gift Too!
Sometimes a passage of Scripture becomes so familiar that you can only see one application of it. Unless you allow the Holy Spirit to shine additional light on that part of His Word, you’ll be stuck with only the understanding you already have. I’m not suggesting reading something into God’s Word that isn’t there, but I am recommending that you stay humble before your Teacher— the Holy Spirit—as we take a closer look at some very familiar scriptures (John 14:26 – bolded by me).
The way you were born again is the way you receive everything in the Christian life—by grace through faith. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9). Salvation is everything God provided through Christ’s atonement; it’s not just when you first walk-through God’s door by receiving forgiveness of sins and a brand-new spirit. Salvation is everything in His house as well—healing, deliverance, prosperity, joy, peace, love, anything you receive from Him. All these salvation benefits come the same way you were born again—by grace through faith! Colossians 2:6 agrees, declaring, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.” How did you receive Christ? By grace through faith. How then do you walk in Him and enjoy all the benefits of His salvation package? By grace through faith!
Many people interpret Ephesians 2:8 too narrowly by limiting the word “saved” to mean only the initial born-again experience. However, the Greek word for salvation here is “sozo,” which includes every aspect of salvation. Therefore, Ephesians 2:8 really says, “For by grace are ye sozo—forgiven of sins, born again, made righteous, healed, delivered, prospered, etc.— through faith” (emphasis Andrew’s). Others miss the fact that it’s not only salvation that is “not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8-9); it’s also faith as well. God not only provides the salvation you need, but He also supplies the very faith you use to appropriate His grace! Both salvation and the faith to receive it are gifts from God!
God’s Word Contains His Faith
You can’t receive salvation without hearing the Word. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). You might not hear it quoted chapter and verse, but the truths and concepts that are in God’s Word must come across your path somehow. You need to know that Jesus died for your sins, and because of His love, He offers forgiveness independent of your actions. His only demand is that you believe. Faith comes through hearing the Word. How? God’s Word contains His faith. When you receive the Word into your heart, you’re receiving God’s supernatural faith. You must hear the Word because that’s how you believe and receive. God put His faith in His words. When those words are preached, they contain faith. If you will open up your heart, that faith will enter in and produce salvation (1 Pet. 1:23-25). The faith you use to receive salvation is not merely a human faith but God’s own supernatural faith, which came to you through His Word.
It’s important to know whether your faith is natural or supernatural. If you believe that your faith is just a human faith, the devil will be able to convince you that it’s not very good. He’ll tell you it’s puny, weak, frail, and small in amount and strength. But when you understand that the faith, you’re using is God’s supernatural faith, which was imparted to you through His Word, your level of confidence and expectation will rise. It’s not only the faith you used to become born again, but it’s the faith you use to appropriate everything in the Christian life!
Since God’s faith is a supernatural faith, it produces supernatural results. It has the ability to do things that will take you beyond just the physical realm. If you believe you’re using just a human faith for the Christian life, you’ll only be able to receive natural results. However, when you realize that it’s God’s faith you’re using, you’ll start experiencing supernatural results! Human faith is based upon natural knowledge. God created mankind as faith beings. Even before being born again and separate from the influence of God, there’s still a natural kind of faith.
Human Faith
In an attempt to explain faith, this was what my church taught me while I was growing up. Taking a chair, they’d say, “How do you know if this chair will hold you up? It takes faith to sit in it.” Then they’d add, “It’s faith when you drive through a green light. You must believe that the other side has a red light. You don’t know it because you can’t see it, so you can’t prove it. Even if the red is there, you still have to believe that the other cars will stop.” And shifting to the skies, they’d say, “It’s faith to ride in an airplane. You don’t know how it works, and you aren’t personally acquainted with the pilot. How can you be sure the mechanisms are correct, and the pilot can work them?” They’d declare, “That’s faith!”
It’s a type of faith, but it’s human faith. In other words, it’s a faith based on sense knowledge—facts—things you can see, taste, hear, smell, and feel. Whether you are conscious of it or not, the first thing you’d do before attempting to sit in the chair would be to glance over at it to see if it had all four legs. If it only had three legs and teetered like it was about to fall, you wouldn’t sit in it. Whether you realize it or not, when you get ready to sit down in a chair, you inspect it. It might not be a perfect inspection, but you do gather some sense knowledge to base your action upon. You’ve also been trained to know that when your side of the traffic light is green, the other side has red. You’ve got personal experience to base that upon because you’ve been on the other side waiting on the red many times before. However, for additional safety, you probably made sure nobody looked like they might speed through and run the light before you proceeded.
Human faith is limited to what it can see, taste, hear, smell, and feel. If you noticed that one of the wings was missing, you wouldn’t fly on that airplane. If you saw a wreck at the intersection, you wouldn’t just go right on through it, even if the light was green. If the chair looked like it would fall apart under your weight, you wouldn’t try to sit on it. If the facts don’t seem to support the action, you can’t act contrary when you are using natural faith.
Your Faith Is Supernatural!
While human faith follows sense knowledge, supernatural faith precedes it. God demonstrated this kind of faith when He changed Abram’s name to Abraham (father of many nations) before he even had a single child (Gen. 15:2-6, 17:4-6). “(As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were” (Rom. 4:17).
This is how God’s faith operates. He acknowledges those things which aren’t yet manifest as if they already are. God calls those things as if they were, even before there is any physical proof of their existence. Natural faith can only acknowledge what it already sees, tastes, hears, smells, and feels. Supernatural faith literally brings things into manifestation from the spirit realm. Now that’s a radical difference!
You used supernatural faith to become born again. It wasn’t natural faith because you were believing for things that were beyond your sense knowledge. Unless you had a vision or heard an audible voice, neither of which is the norm, you couldn’t perceive spiritual truth with your natural senses. You had to believe in things you couldn’t see, like: heaven and hell, God and the devil, sin and forgiveness. All these were faith issues that could not be verified or proven by mere human faith. The Holy Spirit enlightened you from within as He spoke to your heart so you could take a step of faith that wasn’t based on what you could see, taste, hear, smell, or feel. Through His Word, you were given God’s supernatural faith when you were born again.
The same faith you used to become born again is now always present in your spirit. It doesn’t evaporate, diminish, or get old and lose its power. That supernatural faith is exactly the same in your born-again spirit as it was the very moment you were saved. You may not be experiencing that faith and all of its benefits in your body and soul, but it’s there in your spirit. If you’ve been born again, you already have the supernatural faith of God!
Faith is a fruit that stems from your spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Gal. 5:22-23, emphasis Andrew’s). Faith—belief—is a product from deep within the heart, not just the mind. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness” (Rom. 10:10). For the born-again believer, faith has actually been put into your recreated spirit!
You don’t need more faith—you just need to believe that you already have it. As Jesus is now, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17). Is Jesus in faith? Of course, He is! He’s operating in faith perfectly. Your born-again spirit has the faith of God in it perfectly, without lack or inadequacy. Acknowledge it! Go to God’s Word and discover the laws that govern how faith works. Then, start cooperating and using them to your advantage. You’ll find that the faith that’s already inside you is more than sufficient for any problem you’ll ever face (Highlighted and bolded by me)!
Are you ready to change your life? If so, here is the link to start – you can study on your own, by clicking here to go to the teaching of, “Spirit, Soul, Body,” on Andrew’s website. Once on the site, you can choose if you want to listen via audio or watch the videos. Or study with a group, like I am doing, by going to this link, creating an account, and finding an online or local study – the materials are furnished for you – there is an outline teaching, questions, and Scriptures, on the website, that you download after logging in and finding your study.
Here is the link for the group I am in – you can go to the link and register, but to download your class materials, you must create an account, and sign in (the material information is on top of the page). Then contact the Leader, Dennis Kerr, and let him know you just signed up for the class and ask him to send you the Zoom link for the class. We currently meet on Tuesdays at 4:00pm EST (Dennis is in Arizona and his local time would be at 2:00pm for the study) – this Chapter 11, was from our March 15, 2022, class – it was our eleventh meeting. Click the link below to review all study materials, which is the same as the first link on Andrew’s website, for “Spirit, Soul, Body:” All “Spirit, Soul, Body” Resources
NOTE: Wherever there is bolding in this document and is not specified by Andrew that he did it, it was added by me. Also, highlighting, and Scriptures were bolded and linked to the text by me.
Click Here For PDF Version of “Spirit, Soul, Body” by Andrew Wommac...
Click Here for Links to "Spirit, Soul, Body" Chapters 2 to 10
God’s BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!
In Father’s Service,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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