Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

“Spirit, Soul, Body” by Andrew Wommack Quotes Chapter 10, “Fullness Received”

My spirit was created in righteousness and true holiness when I was born again (Eph. 4:24). Then, the Holy Spirit sealed this purity into my brand-new spirit (Eph. 1:13). Any sin I commit now in my physical actions cannot penetrate or contaminate my spirit because it’s been sanctified and perfected forever (Heb. 10:10,14; 12:23). My born-again spirit cannot sin (1 John 3:9)! I have received eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12). This doesn’t encourage me to live in sin but instead gives me stability in my life and relationship with God. I live holy because I want to, and if I don’t, I know I’ll give Satan and other people an opportunity against me (Rom. 6:16). Living holy is definitely more beneficial than living in sin! God is pleased with me because of who I am in the spirit (John 4:24). When I do fall short, sin doesn’t have dominion over me the way it used to because I know now that God has already forgiven me completely—past, present, and future sins (Rom. 6:14). My spirit isn’t stained in any way. Since God is a Spirit, I must fellowship with Him through who I am in the spirit.

My relationship with the Lord is constant. He’s always loving me. He’s always pleased with me—the real me, the born-again me, my spirit (Eph. 1:6). That’s the part of me that God loves and that I’ve come to love. I’m not enamored with my carnal self and actions. I don’t like some of what I see, do, and think, but I’ve come to realize there’s a new me. In my spirit, I am thrilled with what Jesus has done, and I place my full confidence in that. Since I walk by the spirit, and not the flesh, I experience God’s peace, joy, and life on a daily basis. My life is stable. I don’t feel like I lose everything every time I sin or fall short. I don’t think that I need to be born again, again and start the whole growth process over. This concept of “one step forward and two steps back” is totally gone. When I do fail, I just turn from it. I repent and get back on track with what God’s told me to do, knowing that I’m still who I am in Christ and infinitely more in my spirit than I’ve ever yet been able to appropriate and manifest. That’s why I actively and aggressively continue renewing my mind to His Word.

Fruit Unto Holiness

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). First John 1:9 has been traditionally taught that every time you sin, you have to confess your sins in order to receive forgiveness. If that’s truly what it means, then this would put a tremendous burden upon you to deal with every sin. Religion categorizes sin, but God’s Word is much more inclusive. Sin isn’t only what you’re doing wrong, it’s also the right you failed to do. Some sins you realize, most others you don’t (Bolded by me).

If you have to confess every sin before it’s forgiven, nobody could retain their salvation. This just can’t be what it means! First John 1:9 refers to when you first come to the Lord. If forgiveness were dependent upon your confessing everything you’ve ever done wrong and failed to do right, salvation would be out of reach because you’ve forgotten too much. This verse instructs the unbeliever to be born again, not the believer to confess every sin all the time. It’s how you first come to the Lord. You acknowledge your sin nature and separation from God in order to bow your knee and receive salvation. You confess that you’re a sinner in need of forgiveness and are cleansed from all unrighteousness by receiving your brand-new, born-again spirit (Bolded by me).

First John 1:9 can also mean cleansing the effects of sin from a believer’s soul and body. Your spirit isn’t affected by sin, but your soul and body are. Sin gives the devil a legal right to work his death into your life because you yielded yourself to him (Rom. 6:16). How do you repent of it and get him out? You say, “God, I was wrong, and You were right. I sinned and gave Satan this opportunity. I repent!” By confessing, you take the salvation, the forgiveness, the holiness, and the righteousness that’s already a reality in your spirit and never fluctuated when you failed and draw it out into your body and soul. This literally drives the devil out and takes his place away. The enemy no longer has rights and privileges in your life once you repent and turn from what you’ve done (Bolded by me)!

If you understand your eternal redemption, you won’t be emboldened to sin, but you’ll be freed up to declare, “What a great God You are!” You’ll want to spend even more time with Him. You’ll desire to live holy so that nothing will ever dull you or keep you from perceiving these great truths and His love. Understanding your eternal redemption will cause you to live holy! That’s the way it should be! You shouldn’t be trying to live holy out of fear of rejection and punishment; you ought to live holy as a result of your salvation. You should have “fruit unto holiness” (Rom. 6:22). Notice how it’s a fruit, not a root, of salvation. “Holiness” doesn’t produce God moving in your life, but your external actions of holiness are a result of understanding the righteous nature of your born-again spirit.

Never Separated From His Love!

This has changed my life! It’s given me a deep abiding security in my relationship with God because I know He loves me! In fact, He loves me infinitely more than I’ve ever yet perceived. After the warm feelings of my miraculous encounter with God subsided, (because of my actions) I thought, Well, He loved me at one time, but I’m not sure He still loves me now because I just don’t feel worthy. Then I came to realize that my born-again spirit is righteous and holy.

I recognized that God looks at me Spirit to spirit, and He loves the born-again part of me! I’m His workmanship, “created in Christ Jesus unto good works” (Eph. 2:10). In my spirit, I’m perfect and pure. God loves me and I’m never separated from His love. This sheds new light on, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?...For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:35, 38-39). In my spirit, God has already given me His full measure of love. “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16). I’m full of God. One-third of me is wall-to-wall Holy Spirit! And if you’re born again, all these things are true of you too! This knowledge will impact your life and make you feel so pure. You’ll be so appreciative of what God has done that you’ll live holier in your actions accidentally than you’ve ever lived on purpose!


Are you ready to change your life? If so, here is the link to start – you can study on your own, by clicking here to go to the teaching of, “Spirit, Soul, Body.” Once on the site, you can choose if you want to listen via audio or watch the videos. Or study with a group, like I am doing, by going to this link, creating an account, and finding an online or local study – the materials are furnished for you – there is an outline teaching, questions, and Scriptures, on the website, that you download after logging in and finding your study.

Here is the link for the group I am in – you can go to the link and register, but to download your class materials, you must create an account, and sign in (the material information is on top of the page). Then contact the Leader, Dennis Kerr, and let him know you just signed up for the class and ask him to send you the Zoom link for the class. We currently meet on Tuesdays at 4:00pm EST (Dennis is in Arizona and his local time would be at 2:00pm for the study) – this Chapter 10, was from our March 8, 2022, class – it was our tenth meeting. Click the link below to review all study materials, which is the same as the first link, for “Spirit, Soul, Body:” All “Spirit, Soul, Body” Resources

NOTE: Wherever there is bolding in this document and is not specified by Andrew that he did it, it was added by me. Also, highlighting, and Scriptures were bolded and linked to the text by me.

Click Here For PDF Version of "Spirit, Soul, Body" by Andrew Wommack Chapter 10, "Fullness Received" Quotes

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God’s BLESSINGS to you all and your families!! In Father’s Service,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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