Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

“Spirit, Soul, Body” by Andrew Wommack Quotes Chapter 5, “One With Jesus”

As Jesus is, so are you—right now—in this world! “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17, emphasis mine - Andrew and I bolded this part). Notice how it’s this world, not the next. The Word says now, presently, here on earth. It’s not talking about heaven in the future! As Jesus is, so are you!

If you only look in your physical and soulish parts to see if you’re like Jesus, you’ll conclude, “The Bible is so hard to understand!” You see zits, baldness, wrinkles, bulges, and all kinds of other physical imperfections that you know Jesus doesn’t have. In your emotional realm, there’s depression, discouragement, anger, bitterness, and very little of God’s kind of love. In light of these contrary facts, you could wonder, “How can I be as Jesus is?” But now that you’re beginning to grasp spirit, soul, and body, you know 1 John 4:17 must be speaking of your spirit. The born-again part of you is the only feasible explanation for “as Jesus is right now, so are you in this world!” It’s not your body, nor your soul, but your spirit that’s as Jesus is. What an awesome truth!

However, very few Christians truly believe this reality! Since their spirits can’t be physically seen or emotionally felt, carnal facts consistently win over spiritual truth. Without looking at themselves in God’s spiritual mirror, they just submit to what they see, taste, hear, smell, and feel. Most Christians remain carnally minded and experience its deadly effects instead of choosing to be spiritually minded and enjoying life and peace!

Hitting Pay Dirt Section

If you believed that you are, in your spirit, just as Jesus is right now in heaven—in all of His glory, power, and perfection—your life would be revolutionized! However, believing is just the first step. You must also learn how to release this reality from within. Just thinking this awesome thought once won’t instantaneously change everything in your life. It’s a process! As the seed of this truth becomes firmly rooted and established in your mind, a process of understanding, growing, and maturing begins in your soulish realm. Then, over time, you’ll see radical changes manifest as you continue believing this truth and releasing God’s corresponding power from within your born-again spirit. What would you do if I told you there was a million dollars hidden in your front yard? It’s buried (so you can’t see or feel it), but it’s there! Since nothing in the yard evidences this truth, all you’d have to go on is my word and your sense knowledge. Which would you believe?

If you trusted what you can see and feel more than my word, you’d miss out on the treasure. Why? You wouldn’t pursue it! That money would stay buried, and you’d hardly ever think about it. Sure, someone might bring it up in conversation once in a while, but you wouldn’t care. In fact, you could live in abject poverty just a few feet away from this abundant wealth hidden right there on your property. It could be that close, and you’d never benefit from it. Unless you believed my word, you’d do without the treasure!

However, if you trusted my word, you’d start digging! Although believing is an important step, it’s just the first. You have to dig, find the money, and then bring it up out of the ground in order to benefit from it. If you had a steam shovel or a backhoe and could take bigger scoops, you’d be able to find the treasure quicker than someone with just a spoon. However, if both believed, both would eventually receive. You might get to it faster than the fellow with the spoon, but if he doesn’t quit after going the first inch and getting a blister, he’ll find the money too! Even if all you’ve got is a spiritual spoon, you’ll still hit pay dirt if you just keep digging. The more you know and understand God’s Word, the quicker you’ll start seeing spiritual riches manifest in your life. But before any of it works, you must acknowledge what’s already there. In your spirit, as Jesus is, so are you in this world!

Embracing the Truth Section

You are one with Jesus Christ right now. “But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit” (1 Cor. 6:17). The Greek word translated “one” here means “a singular one to the exclusion of another.” It’s much deeper than mere similarity (i.e., being joined together as “one” in purpose); this speaks of complete union. If there are molecules and atoms in the spirit realm, then you are molecule-for-molecule and atom-for-atom identical to Jesus. As He is, so are you in this world. In your spirit, you are completely one with Him. Many believers don’t embrace these radical truths because they can’t physically prove them. Trapped by natural perception, they’re just too accustomed to being dominated by what they can see, taste, hear, smell, and feel to believe that they really do have this kind of spiritual unity with the Lord. Even though it’s the truth of God’s Word, they simply cannot bring themselves to perceive spiritual reality. It’s just too contrary to their physical senses!

But you can believe and experience this truth! You can be transformed by renewing your mind to the point where you prove—manifest to your physical senses—the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God (Rom. 12:1-2).


By embracing the Word, you’ll be able to see the perfection that’s in your spirit start flowing out through your soul and body. It’ll not only impact you but also others whom God touches through you. Virtue will flow out of you and heal people just like it did with Jesus!

Since understanding these things, I’ve seen almost every kind of physical healing manifest (people raised from the dead, cancers healed, blind eyes and deaf ears opened, etc.). I’ve also seen emotional healing as people were set free from depression, discouragement, and the like. What I’m sharing with you works! It’s not only changed my life but thousands of others I’ve ministered to as well! I haven’t tapped into all of it yet, but I’ve seen enough to testify! Like you, I’m still in the process of renewing my mind. But every believer has the potential of experiencing what I have and so much more! These truths will change you!

I Kept Digging Section

If you think what you can see, taste, hear, smell, and feel is all there is to reality, you won’t be able to walk in all of God’s will. You won’t experience the power and ability of God within if you can’t perceive things beyond your body and soul. If you think that God’s power is with Him somewhere out there, eventually you’ll become discouraged. It’s not that you won’t believe God has power, but you’ll doubt you can ever attain it. You must believe you are one with Him in spirit and that it’s your responsibility to release His power from within in order to see it manifest. You can’t doubt you’ll get something that you know you’ve already got! It’s just a matter of releasing what He’s placed in you. If you really believe, you’ll keep digging until you eventually hit pay dirt, and something begins to work!

I didn’t understand how faith worked for many years, but just knowing it was there motivated me to keep digging. I began praying and believing for things when there was no natural evidence whatsoever that would lead me to think I could manifest such power. When I prayed for people to be healed, I didn’t feel anything in my flesh—no tingle, no burning, nothing. I had no reason to believe God’s power would manifest except that I’d been looking in my spiritual mirror and knew it was in me somewhere. Not very many were healed at first because I didn’t understand much. But since I laid my hands on so many different people, I started seeing some healed. Power would manifest that was beyond my natural ability. Encouraged, I kept digging. The deeper I dug, the more I’d find. The more I’d find, the quicker and easier it became to dig. I laid my spoon down in favor of a shovel. After a while, I tossed the shovel aside and stepped up into a backhoe.


Today, I’m still mining the riches God placed in my born-again spirit! My attitude completely changed since discovering these truths. When problems came, I used to feel inadequate. I’d lament, “O God, I know You’ve got power, but I’m just a man. I don’t have any power at my disposal.” Then I realized I’m not just a man anymore. One-third of me is complete. One-third of me is identical to and one with Jesus. One-third of me is wall-to-wall Holy Ghost! Because of the confidence, security, and faith this has given me, I can confront and overcome problems now that I wasn’t able to before. As you keep digging, these truths will do the same for you.


Are you ready to change your life? If so, here is the link to start – you can study on your own, by clicking here to go for the teaching of, “Spirit, Soul, Body.” Once on the site, you can choose if you want to listen via audio or watch the videos.

Or study with a group, like I am doing, by going to this link, creating an account, and finding an online or local study – the materials are furnished for you – there is an outline teaching, questions, and Scriptures, on the website, that you download after logging in and finding your study.

Here is the link for the group I am in – you can go to the link and register, but to download your class materials, you must create an account, and sign in (the material information is on top of the page). Then contact the Leader, Dennis Kerr, and let him know you just signed up for the class and ask him to send you the Zoom link for the class. We currently meet on Tuesdays at 4:00pm EST (Dennis is in Arizona and his local time would be at 2:00pm for the study) – Chapter 5 is our fifth meeting.

Click the link below to review all study materials, which is the same as the first link, for “Spirit, Soul, Body:”

All “Spirit, Soul, Body” Resources


NOTE: Wherever there is bolding in this document, and I did not specify, it was added by me.

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God’s BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!


In Father’s Service,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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