“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
“Violence & Abuse “Complete Program Sessions, Summaries, & Videos (Revisited 10-17-2022)
Due to the recent cases of domestic violence, that ended in the death of the victims, along with other innocent loved ones, I believe God wants me to revisit the “Domestic Violence Seminar: Violence & Abuse” Program’s teachings, Minister Everett James, and I started in July of 2020.
The second program in the "Journey of Freedom" Program is the "Violence & Abuse" Program. In this program, there are three sessions, and several parts to each session; the outline, and summary for each session is down below. And the YouTube video link will be attached to the title of that part, in that session. The content of the original “Violence & Abuse” Program is the same. But to keep the videos, and sessions in order, I am not changing the original dates on the YouTube videos, or the PDF version of the “Violence & Abuse” complete program teaching. However, I am changing dates on the weekly “Violence & Abuse” teachings. And will leave the origin date on the teaching notes also. Example: “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 original dates were from 8-24 to 9-14-2020. On the outline/summary of the first part of session 1, which is “List Types of Abuse,” will look like this example from “S1 P1A & 1A-1:”
Domestic Violence Seminar, “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 (8-24 to 9-14-2020/9-26 to 10-17-2022). Goal: to define violence & abuse. To accomplish this goal, we will:
Click here for the “Violence & Abuse,” complete program teaching, so you can have it in case you would like to study on your own or share with a friend so he/she can study with you.
Click here for Complete “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, so you can have it to study at any time – the YouTube video link will be attached to the title of that session.
Domestic Violence Seminar, “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 (8-24 to 9-14-2020/9-26 to 10-17-2022). Goal: to define violence & abuse. To accomplish this goal, we will:
Domestic Violence Seminar, “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 – Part...: In Session 1, “God’s Final Word, & Scriptures, & Prayer” of the “Violence & Abuse” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, discusses the following topics:
*God’s Final Word on Generational Sin (Ezekiel 18) – Part 1D: We are going to settle this today; sin (violence and abuse) is repeated from one generation
We will settle this today; sin (violence and abuse) is repeated from generation to generation because no one ever stopped the cycle of abuse. This is not perpetuated (carried on by) the hand of God but by the flesh and the enemy’s plan. The Lord clearly says in Ezekiel 18 ESV, turn and live. God does not visit the father's sins onto the son nor the Mother's onto the daughter; each one will give an account for themselves. We all have free will! Therefore, we cannot blame how we are on others – not even the devil!! Because the devil cannot do any more to us than what we ALLOW him to do – the ONLY power the enemy has over us is what WE give him!! The devil is a DEFEATED FOE – JESUS DEFEATED the devil and GAVE US HIS VICTORY!! Abuse is a learned behavior; we learn the behavior, or out of our anger and fear, we dominate and control by our own choice. This teaching will help you understand the triggers and tips for handling those who abuse. Let’s stop the cycle now! Turn away from our ways, acknowledge, repent, and forgive. Receive healing and live a healthy and happy life by the grace of God.
*Prayer from Scripture
* Prayer Against Domestic Violence
* "Why Didn't God Stop The Abuse?"
You or someone you know may have asked the same question as others, "Why Didn't God Stop The Abuse?" I am going to give you the answer Dr. Margaret Paul, a best-selling Author and relationship expert, gave to her clients. Here is an excerpt from the article “Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?” Dr. Paul’s complete article will be attached to this session’s summary in the blog section of our website: www.abusedwoman.ning.com, titled, “Domestic Violence Seminar, "Journey of Freedom: Violence & Abuse" Program 2020 & Beyond! Revisited 2022”
This is what Dr. Margaret Paul said and an excerpt from her article:
“I am often asked by my clients, ‘If God is all powerful, why didn't he stop my father (or mother, or brother, or babysitter, or uncle or a stranger) from abusing me? Why does he allow all this abuse to go on?’”
The question indicates that the person does not understand what God is, which means he or she would not understand Mother Theresa's statement, "God has no hands but these."
Many people have been programmed to believe that God is a person in the sky who can stop people from doing awful things.
God is love, God is Spirit. God has no hands, so we must be the hands of God. The love that is God is always here, always ready to enter our hearts when our hearts are open to love. However, since we all have free will, we all decide when to open or close our heart. God cannot enter a closed heart. God comes into our hearts by invitation, and we invite God into our hearts when our intent is to be loving to ourselves and to others.
Abusers have closed their hearts to God. Their intent is to protect themselves against their own pain through some form of controlling behavior. God cannot guide them because their hearts are closed. When a person closes their heart, they cut off their empathy and compassion. They stop caring about the effect they have on others, and can therefore do untold harm."
After reading Dr. Paul’s article, my answer to the question is that the abuser has free will, and the abuser has closed their heart to God. YES, God is ALL POWERFUL, but He is a LOVING God who does not force us to do anything we don’t want to. God is NOT a tyrant!! God is NOT a bully!! God DOES NOT walk around with a big stick, forcing people to do things out of their will!! God is a GOOD God, and He loves us very much!!
Abusers have no fear of God or anyone else; they love to blame the victim for their actions; they are NOT willing to take responsibility for what they do!! Their hearts are closed to God and everyone else; they are self-centered – they only think about themselves! See my complete answer in the PDF version at the end of this teaching.
If you or someone you know are in a domestic relationship, it does not matter what kind, I suggest you reach out for help!! Begin to turn to God, look, listen, and watch for His instructions; but don’t just sit there, you put your faith in action and begin to reach out to agencies and organizations for help. Here is some national information for domestic violence victims to obtain help:
The National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-7233 (1-800-787-3224 - TTY) or if you cannot talk on the phone, go to the website, https://www.thehotline.org/ and chat, or text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - https://ncadv.org/do-you-think-youre-being-abused
State Coalition List – Directory of state offices that can help you find local support, shelter, and free or low-cost legal services. Includes all U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men & Women – Specializing in providing support to male victims of abuse.
This section Contains Resources for State of Florida Residence:
Vulnerable and Special Needs Adults Hotline: 1-800-962-2873 (Disability Rights Florida)
The Adult Protective Services program, mandated by Chapter 415, Florida Statutes, is a system of specialized social services directed toward protecting vulnerable adults who are unable to manage their own affairs, from further occurrences of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. After a report has been called into the Hotline it is referred to the Protective Investigations Unit closest to the location of the victim. The Unit office then dispatches a Protective Investigator within 24 hours. The Investigator contacts the alleged victim and assesses the immediate risk of second party abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Florida Domestic Violence Advocates & Support Contacts Link Below:
PDF version of Domestic Violence Resources FL
Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. Again, to contact Dr. Hooks, email her at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org, or go to her website, www.abusedwoman.org.
The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman Book Group.”
Minister Everett James, Th.D., is the Director of Eastern Missouri Bible College, formerly known as the Good Samaritan Bible Institute is the educational arm of Upper Room Ministries which is located in Saint Louis, Missouri.
To contact Minister James, email him at embiblecollege@yahoo.com or visit his website at Eastern Missouri Bible College (mn.co).
PDF Handouts for Session 1-Part 1D - (click below):
"Violence & Abuse" S1 P1D - 10-17-2022
“Why Didn’t God Stop The Abuse?” by Margaret Paul, PH.D.
Next week’s Topic (Session 2, Part 2A – 9-21-2020): “Review Previous Section” & “Premise Before Next Section.”
God's BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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