Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

Domestic Violence Seminar, "Journey of Freedom: Violence & Abuse" Program 2020 Revisited 9-26-22! (S1 Parts 1A & 1A-1)

“Violence & Abuse “Complete Program Sessions, Summaries, & Videos (Revisited 9-26-2022)

Due to the recent cases of domestic violence that ended in the death of the victims, along with other innocent loved ones, I believe God wants me to revisit the “Domestic Violence Seminar: Violence & Abuse” Program’s teachings, Minister Everett James, and I started in July of 2020.

The second program in the "Journey of Freedom"  Program is the "Violence & Abuse" Program. In this program, there are three sessions and several parts to each session; the outline and summary for each session is down below. And the YouTube video link will be attached to the title of that part, in that session. The content of the original “Violence & Abuse” Program is the same. But to keep the videos, and sessions in order, I am not changing the original dates on the YouTube videos, or the PDF version of the “Violence & Abuse” complete program teaching. However, I am changing dates on the weekly “Violence & Abuse” teachings. And will leave the origin date on the teaching notes also. Example: “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 original dates were from 8-24 to 9-14-2020. On the outline/summary of the first part of session 1, which is “List Types of Abuse,” will look like this:

Domestic Violence Seminar, “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 (8-24 to 9-14-2020/9-26 to 10-17-2022). Goal: to define violence & abuse. To accomplish this goal, we will:

  • List Types of Abuse - Part 1A – 8-24-2020 (9-26-2022)
  • Define Each Type - Part 1A-1 – 8-24-2020 (9-26-2022)

Click here for the “Violence & Abuse,” complete program teaching, so you can have it in case you would like to study on your own or share with a friend so he/she can study with you.

Click here for Complete “Importance of Forgiveness” Program, so you can have it to study at any time – the YouTube video link will be attached to the title of that session.

Domestic Violence Seminar, “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1 (8-24 to 9-14-2020/9-26 to 10-17-2022). Goal: to define violence & abuse. To accomplish this goal, we will:

  • List Types of Abuse - Part 1A – 8-24-2020 (9-26-2022)
  • Define Each Type - Part 1A-1 – 8-24-2020 (9-26-2022)
  • Discuss the Cause & Effect of Abuse - Part 1B – 8-31-2020 (10-3-2022)
  • Discuss the Power Wheel & Show Examples of Abuse - Part 1C – 9-7-2020 (10-10-2022)
  • Explain God’s Final word on Generational Sin - Part 1D – 9-14-2020 (10-17-2022)
  • Closing Scriptures & Prayers Against Domestic Violence - Part 1D – 9-14-2020 (10-17-2022)

Domestic Violence Seminar, “Violence & Abuse,” Session 1- Parts...: In Session 1, “Overview & Introduction” of the “Violence & Abuse” Program, Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, gives a full explanation of the Program, with the Agenda. And in the sections “List Types of Abuse” and “Define Each Type,” Dr. Hooks explains each:

The "AWM Violence & Abuse Counseling Recovery Program: Getting Beyond the After Effects of Violence & Abuse," is a part of our "Tools for Triumphant Living" Christian Education Program which was developed by Pastor Charlana Kelly)," and the “AWM Counseling Recovery Program.” The purpose of the "AWM Violence & Abuse Recovery Program," is to help those who are recently out of abusive relationships or is still struggling with the effects from previous abuse. In this recovery program, I will help you through your recovery process one step at a time; this is a program God gave me and I am giving it to you as He gave it to me. To contact Dr. Hooks, email her at, or go to her website,

The "AWM Violence & Abuse Recovery Program" is the second part of the “Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences" Program, which is a declaration for now and in the future, that you are going to continually pursue your freedom, from whatever that has had you in bondage for years, recently, or  at present!! Continually pursuit of your freedom means that you will stay free by any means necessary!! You will no longer tolerate foolishness of any kind!! You will rise up and by God's grace take back everything that the enemy has stolen from you (your self-esteem, your self- worth, your freedom to live life as God designed you to, your boldness God gave you through Jesus, and much, much more)!!

*List Types of Abuse & Define Each Type - Part 1A & Part 1A-1 (9-26-2022):

*Physical abuse – Obvious kinds: pushing, shoving, slapping, punching, kicking, biting, choking, and pinching. Less obvious kinds: abandonment, reckless driving, forcing someone off the road, refusal to get help when someone is sick or injured, threats or use of an object or weapon.

*Sexual – Obvious kinds: forced sexual activity of any kind, as well as jealousy and sexual accusations. Starts with demeaning through jokes, name calling, or unwanted touching. Victims submit because they don’t think they have a right to refuse, and it is easier to give in and be left alone afterwards.

*Psychological Abuse – Greater than emotional or verbal abuse: psychological abuse induces fear in the victim due to the fact that threats of violence in the past have been accompanied by at least one episode of physical abuse. Threats include: those against an individual or their family, forcing the individual to do degrading things, verbally attacking, or belittling and controlling an individual’s behavior. Other types of threats: to remove, conceal, or harm the children if a victim leave.

*Social Abuse  Isolation of victim from family or friends. Unable to use phone or go anywhere alone. Victim is dependent upon the abuser for all social contacts, which creates an atmosphere or environment where there is no place to go when abuse takes place. Victims begin to feel like a prisoner in their own home.

*Financial Abuse Begins with the abuser taking complete control of the household finances. Victim must turn over all money to abuser and are only given a small amount of money which will not cover living expenses. All family assets are placed in the name of the abuser only. Victims become financially dependent upon the abuser.

Domestic violence is not just a secular issue, there are many Christian wives who are also being tormented by an abusive husband. These series of seminars are designed to help domestic violence victims obtain wholeness from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. This training will also prepare Christian ministers, counselors, and other Christian workers to provide healing to the domestic violence victim.

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD is the founder of Abused Woman Ministries Inc. She will be teaching several courses on domestic violence and recovery. Again, to contact Dr. Hooks, email her at, or go to her website,

The subjects that are covered in the “Journey of Freedom” Program are, “The Importance of Forgiveness;” “Violence and Abuse Recovery;” “Anger Management Recovery;” “Emotional Healing;” and “Unholy Matrimony Healing for the Abused Woman Book Group.”

Minister Everett James, Th.D., is the Director of Eastern Missouri Bible College, formerly known as the Good Samaritan Bible Institute is the educational arm of Upper Room Ministries which is located in Saint Louis, Missouri. 

To contact Minister James, email him at or visit his website at Eastern Missouri Bible College (

"Violence & Abuse" Introduction 2022

PDF Handouts for Session 1-Parts 1A & 1A - (click below):

"Violence & Abuse" S1 P1A & 1A-1 - 9-26-2022

“Today I Choose to Heal” Declaration by Pastor Sharon Riley

List of Resources for FL Victims of Domestic Violence & Abuse

List of Resources for Victims of Domestic Violence & Abuse Worl...

Next week’s Topic (Session 1, Part 1B - 8-31-2020/10-3-2022): “Cause & Effect of Abuse.”

God's BLESSINGS to you all and your families,

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD

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