“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
“Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences”
"Anger Management Recovery Program" Live Session 1-16-2023
Hello, I am glad you decided to take the necessary steps, to get set completely free from the bondage of domestic violence and abuse! Praise God, you made it this far, and for Him taking you all the way!!
Today, January 16, 2023, Minister Everett James and I, will begin the next part of the “Journey of Freedom” Program which is the “Anger Management Recovery” Program.
Just as our previous programs, “Importance of Forgiveness,” and “Violence & Abuse," we will meet every Monday, unless there is a holiday, via Zoom, at 5:30pm central time, which is 6:30pm eastern time. If we don’t have a live session that week, the teaching for that week will still be posted on our blog websites: Abused Woman Ministries, Inc., & Eastern Missouri Bible College.
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 865 6778 5958 Meeting Password: 589009
Mobile: 13052241968, then 86567785958#, then *589009# - for U.S. calls
This Program is designed for independent study, one-on-one study, or group study. Therefore, if you are taking this Program as an independent study, disregard the information that says anything like, “I will post the sessions every week” – that part is only for one-on-one, and group studies with me – you have the COMPLETE Program, so I will not post anything else but add the videos from the live sessions.
You will proceed through each part of the Program sections, one at a time; not going on to the next section, until you have completed the first one; just follow the outline in each part of the Programs.
To obtain the book for each section, click the link in that section for the book, or click the topic link in the outline, at the beginning, to open the book. For example, to obtain the book for “The Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program,” click that topic’s link in the outline, and the book will open; if you open it from the outline, there is no need to click the link in the section itself.
***You don’t have to turn in any assignments to me, keep them for your reference and review.***
In the “Anger Management” Program, there are five sessions, and several parts to each session. The complete outline, for each session will be included with each week’s session. You will see on my blog website, www.abusedwoman.ning, and Minister Everett James’ blog website, Eastern Missouri Bible College, the summaries, and videos for each week. The video will be posted after we record our live sessions on Monday evenings – the link to that session’s video, will be attached to the title of the session. Therefore, the summaries will be available each week, before the video is attached to it, so you can have an opportunity to study the materials before the video is posted. I will post the teaching for that week on our sites, send the link out to you all so you can study the materials, and once we complete the live session, I will attach the link to the video, to the teaching – check back on our sites by Wednesday of that week, for the video.
To contact Minister James, email him at elouisjames34@gmail.com or visit his websites at Eastern Missouri Bible College or Upper Room Ministries, Inc. To contact me, my email is drdehooks@abusedwoman.org or go to my website, www.abusedwoman.org.
“Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences”
Complete Program Outline
What it consists of:
A. AWM Counseling Recovery Program:
1. The Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program
2. Violence & Abuse Recovery Program
3. Anger Management Recovery Program
B. Emotional Healing Series
C. "Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman" Book Discussion Group Study Guide, Including These Topics:
The goal of "AWM Anger Management Recovery Program" is:
1.Anger Management (Session One - YouTube Link) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:
*Give an introduction about Anger – P1A – 1-16-23
*Complete the “Anger Ruler” – P1B – 1-16-23
*Repeat Prayer and Declaration to Overcome Anger – P1C – 1-16-23
2. Anger Management (Session Two - YouTube Link) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:
*Summarize what we learned from Session One – P2A - 1-23-23
*Define the Four Classes of Anger – Anger, Resentment, Rage & Fury, Wrath – P2B - 1-23-23
*Explain What Makes Us Angry – P2B - 1-23-23
*Learn Proper & Improper Ways to Respond to Anger – P2C - 1-30-23
*Have a Quiz on Anger – Complete First – P2C - 1-30-23
3. Anger Management (Session Three) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:
*Summarize what we learned from Session Two - Repeat of Session Two – P3A – 2-6-23
* Define the Four Classes of Anger – Anger, Resentment, Rage & Fury, Wrath – P3B – 2-6-23
*Explain What Makes Us Angry – P3C – 2-6-23
*Learn Proper & Improper Ways to Respond to Anger – P3D – 2-6-23
4. Anger Management (Session Four) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:
*Summarize what we learned from Session Three – P4A – 2-13-23
*Define the types of Anger expression: Suppression, Repression, & Uncontrolled Expression – P4A – 2-13-23
*Learn Relaxation techniques for controlling Anger – P4B – 2-13-23
5. Anger Management (Session Five) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:
*Summarize what we learned from Session Four – P5A – 2-20-23
*Discuss Anger Interruption Techniques and Strategies (AITs) - P5A – 2-20-23
The next parts of the “Journey of Freedom Program,” that we will study are: "Emotional Healing" where you will learn how to receive your emotional healing and my book, "Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman" book discussion group. The book discussion group will include, the study guide, and a free copy of my book. We will also focus on the topics of “Rejection” and “Loneliness.”
Now, with all that said, you have an idea of what we will be studying, my question to you is, are you dedicated to take the journey to obtain your COMPLETE FREEDOM, from the bondage of abuse? Are you ready to be FREE from EVERY affect, the traumas in your life have caused you?
The journey may not be easy, but we are in this together, and we will hold each other up; no person left behind!! God got you in the palm of His hand, and nothing and nobody, will be able to pluck you out!! God will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!! Trust Him!!
If your answers are “Yes,” to those two questions, let's do this!! Jump on board this recovery train!! We are moving forward; not backward!!! We are gaining our momentum; God is catapulting us into our destiny!!! Welcome to your "Journey of Freedom!!" Let the Recovery begin!!! Theme Song: “Freedom” by Eddie James.
Click here for PDF version of “AWRP Live Session - S1 Parts 1A to 1...
Click here for YouTube Video for S1 Parts 1A - 1C - 1-16-2023
May God continually keep and BLESS, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
NOTE: These materials in the “Journey of Freedom” Program, and any other AWM Program, are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org.
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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