Recovery For Abused Women

“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"

“Emotional Healing Series” Session Five, Part 1E, Live Session – 4-10-2023

Hello, I am glad you have decided to continue with the “Journey of Freedom” Program! This journey is continuous – until Jesus comes back to take us home, we will be growing and making sure there is NOTHING holding us back from our COMPLETE BREAKTHROUGH!! As the Word tells us in Romans 12:1-2, we must not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing our mind so we can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. The Word will transform our minds so that we can grow in God!! Praise God that you made it this far and for Him taking you all the way!!

Today, Minister Everett James and I are continuing with the next part of the “Journey of Freedom” Program, the “Emotional Healing” Series. Just as our previous programs, “Importance of Forgiveness,” "Violence & Abuse," and “Angry Management” Program, we will meet every Monday, unless there is a holiday, via Zoom, at 5:30 pm central time, which is 6:30 pm eastern time. If we don’t have a live session that week, the teaching for that week will still be posted on our blog websites:, & Eastern Missouri Bible College.

Zoom  Information:

Click Here For the Meeting  Link

Meeting ID: 842 7735 0925  Meeting Password: 134087 

Mobile: 13052241968, then 84277350925#, then *134087# - for U.S. calls

Agenda Session Five – Part 1E – 4-10-2023

1. Start the session with prayer ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding and give you inner healing as He reveals to you what issues need to be dealt with in your heart/soul.

2. Study each part of the session – all programs focus on healing the spirit, soul, & body.

3. Rap Up – write down any questions; we will review them at the next meeting.

4. Homework: The only homework for this series is for you to keep a journal as the Holy Spirit reveals to you what issues from your past have not been dealt Ask God how to deal with them and keep a journal of what He said; check off each issue that you dealt with as you are healed from the pain of that hurt.

5. Close in Prayer – pray what you feel in your heart.

6. NEXT SESSION: “Emotional Healing” – Part 1F – April 17, 2023.


"Emotional Healing, Session Five, Part 1E – 4-10-2023 – Study This Part

The Holy Spirit is there to comfort us when past issues arise; He will help us during these times and always!!

God let me know that all those memories I had buried in that compartment of my mind must be uncovered. He let me know I am in a safe place in my life and my church. God let me also know that I have Pastors who love me and will not hurt me or judge me by the past – they love me for who I am in Him, encourage me, and always pray for me. I thank them for that and love and appreciate them very much!!

In order for God to give me good memories, the bad memories must go; I must deal with the issues and bring every thought captive into the obedience of Christ – every negative thought, every thought which reminds me of what I have been through, every thought that is contrary to the Word of God, every thought that says I am an orphan, no one cares, etc. has to go in the Name of Jesus!!

This is what God gave me to say in place of the lying thoughts from the enemy:

1. I am not what I went through!

2. What happened to me does not define who I am!

3. I am a child of God; I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

4. I am not who people say I am or whom the enemy says I am!

People, the environment (your surroundings), things, the enemy, and traumatic or nontraumatic events in our lives (from birth onward) do not define us!! God is the Only One who defines who we are!! God said in Genesis 1:26: “…Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness…” ( – AMP). Psalm 139:14 lets us know we are fearfully and wonderfully made!!

Therefore, we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God our Father, God the Son, Jesus our Lord and Savior, and God Holy Spirit, our Comforter, and sooo much more – the Trinity!!! God is ALL we need!!! We will stop being traumatized if we STOP PUTTING OUR TRUST IN MAN (WOMAN) AND START DEPENDING ON AND TRUSTING IN GOD!!!

Now, back to the discussion about Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) – again, this information is from the website: “Dissociation does not necessarily mean that a person has a dissociative disorder or other mental illness. A mild degree of dissociation occurs with some physical stressors; people who have gone without sleep for a long period of time, have had "laughing gas" for dental surgery, or have been in a minor accident often have brief dissociative experiences. Another commonplace example of dissociation is a person becoming involved in a book or movie so completely that the surroundings or the passage of time are not noticed. Another example might be driving on the highway and taking several exits without noticing or remembering.

Such traumatic experiences cause moderate or severe forms of dissociation as childhood abuse, combat, criminal attacks, brainwashing in hostage situations, or involvement in a natural or transportation disaster.

God’s BLESSINGS to you all as you go through YOUR process of discovering who you REALLY are in Christ!! And once you KNOW this, NO trauma of ANY KIND can hold you back from pursuing God in the way Jesus died for you to – so you could have an ULTIMATE relationship with God your Father and Creator!! DON’T ALLOW ANYTHING TO STOP YOU FROM HAVING A ONE-ON-ONE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!! Jesus gave HIS life so that YOU could have a relationship with the Father!!


Click here for the PDF version of “EHS  Live Session – S5 Part 1E – 4-10-2023”

Website Link to “EHS  Live Session – S4 Part 1D – 4-3-2023”

Website Link to “EHS Live Session – S3 Part 1C – 3-27-2023”

Website Link to “EHS Live Session – S2 Part 1B – 3-20-2023”

Website Link to “EHS Live Session – S1 Parts 1 & 1A – 3-13-2023"

God's BLESSINGS to you all and your families!!

In Christ,

Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD

NOTE: These materials are copyright protected; therefore, you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. For permission, please contact Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks at Click here for the copyright notice!

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