“Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth"
Hello, this is the last session for the “Emotional Healing Series.” I pray the series has been a BLESSING to you. Although the series has ended, your journey continues because it is continuous – until Jesus comes back to take us home, we will be growing in the things of Him! As the Word tells us in Romans 12:1-2, we must not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing our mind so we can prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. The Word will transform our minds so that we can grow in God!! Praise God that you made it this far and for Him taking you all the way!!
Here are the links to our previous programs – including the “Emotional Healing Series:” “Importance of Forgiveness,” "Violence & Abuse,"“Angry Management,” and “Emotional Healing Series.”
Our next series will be my book discussion group, “Unholy Matrimony Book Discussion Group.” We will review each chapter of my book, “Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman” – you will receive a free copy of my book, and the study guide for the “Book Group.” This book is my testimony, of where God brought me from. We will begin the book discussion group on June 5, 2023, and there are three parts (four lessons) to the book group. Although there are only four sessions we will cover, there is a lot of information to cover. Therefore, we might need an extra week to complete the “Book Group.” If that is the case, we will finish on July 10th. If not, the class will end on June 26, 2023.
Due to the sensitive nature of the “Unholy Matrimony Book Discussion Group,” this part will not be live-streamed. However, each week’s teaching will be posted on our blog websites: www.abusedwoman.ning.com/ & Eastern Missouri Bible College.
Agenda Session Eleven – Parts 2A & 2A-1 – 5-22-2023 - NO ZOOM TODAY
1. Start the session with prayer – ask Holy Spirit to give you understanding and give you inner healing as He reveals to you what issues need to be dealt with in your heart/soul.
2. Study each part of the session – all programs focus on healing of the spirit, soul, & body.
3. Rap Up – write down any questions you may and we will go over them at the next meeting.
4. Homework: The only homework for this series is for you to keep a journal as the Holy Spirit reveals to you what issues from your past have not been dealt Ask God how to deal with them and keep a journal of what He said; check off each issue that you dealt with as you are healed from the pain of that hurt.
5. Close in Prayer – just pray what you feel in your heart.
If you have any questions, contact me at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org or Minister Everette James at elouisjames34@gmail.com.
Lesson: Session Eleven, Parts 2A & 2A-1 – 5-22-2023 – Study This Part
Emotional Healing Through Dealing with Past Issues – Part 2A:
I remember my ex-Pastor used to tell us always, “Walk in love and stay in faith” and this will help you stay free from offense. Offenses hurt, and if you do not deal with them by admitting you are hurt (offended), and forgive the person(s), the pain becomes angry, then retaliation comes and, in the end, it can lead to murder! Yes, this is just that serious!! On my online school website, www.recovery4abusedwoman.org, there is a teaching which is a part of the Biblical Foundations of Freedom (BFOF) series titled, “Principality of Bitterness;" this teaching will show you how the principality of bitterness is set up in a person – unforgiveness opens the door for it to come in. The BFOF series was adapted from Dr. Art Mathias’ book “Biblical Foundations of Freedom Destroying Satan’s Lies With God's... with his permission. To obtain a full knowledge of how the enemy tricks God’s people by twisting the truth of His Word, twist the words of others, and much, much more, I suggest you study the complete BFOF series; it will definitely open your eyes to God’s truth!!
God loves you!! I cannot stress that too much!! God wants what is best for you and is concerned about every area of your life; He wants you to be whole (heal) in every area of your life! However, you must want to be set free too and be willing to work with God to make this happen; this is because of the choice we have – God can want to deliver you but if do not open up to Him so He can deliver you, He will not force you to go against your will. God is a gentleman; He will not go against your will to help you! Also, don’t forget you are a co-laborer with Christ – don’t expect God to do everything for you even if you open yourself to Him – deliverance is your responsibility too! You do what Jesus has given you the authority to do and leave the rest you cannot do to God!!
Knowing that God loves and accepts you (just as you are – come to Him just as you are and He will do the cleaning – you CANNOT clean your own selves – Jesus has already taken our place and given us His righteousness) is the main way to stay free emotionally; then you will not expect people to validate and accept you – everybody is not going to love you or appreciate you but as long as God does, He is the only One who matters!! Yes, I know we want our spouses, family, friends, etc. to love and appreciate us and I am not saying they do not matter.
I am saying when people in our lives do not love and appreciate us, we do not let that stop us in our tracks, we keep moving forward. Don’t allow how people feel about you to determine if you want to live or die (literally or just give up on life) – God loves you and He will see you through WHATEVER!!
During the times you don’t feel loved or appreciated, allow the Holy Spirit to wrap you in His arms and comfort you! Run to God during these times and don’t run from God; that is where your help comes from!!
So let go and let God do what He wants to do in your life!! Here is a guided prayer to pray to accept Jesus now as your personal Lord and Savior or you can just pray what is on your heart (talk to God sincerely and honestly) but I beseech you to accept Jesus as YOUR personal Lord and Savior this day!!!
Emotional Healing Through Dealing with Past Issues – Part 2A-1:
In my closing, I say to you what Paul said in Romans 12:1-2:
“1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (biblegateway.com – NLT).
My prayer for you all is that you all keep your minds STAYED ON GOD, so that HIS PEACE will rest, rule, and abide in your hearts and minds always, in Jesus’ Name, Amen (Isaiah 26:3)!!
NEVER give up on God!! It is not too late to obtain YOUR healing, breakthrough, deliverance, or whatever else YOU need for God!! He did "It" for me and is still doing "It" for me and will and can do "It" for YOU! Trust Him!! Embrace His love and ride out whatever storm you may be in safe in His arms!!
Never forget: God is for you and not against you and will be with you until the end of the world! Peace!!
NOTE: This series was written on October 1, 2012, and God has delivered me since then; I wrote it as it was given to me at that time!
Click here for an encouraging song by Kari Jobe, "You Are for Me.” Another encouraging song by Kari Jobe is “The More I Seek You.” These two songs are great songs to praise, and worship Father by.
God’s BLESSINGS to you all, as you go through YOUR process, of discovering who you REALLY are in Christ!! And once you KNOW this, NO trauma, of ANY KIND, can hold you back, from pursuing God in the way Jesus died for you to – so you could have an ULTIMATE relationship with God your Father, and Creator!! DON’T ALLOW ANYTHING, TO STOP YOU FROM HAVING A ONE-ON-ONE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!! Jesus gave HIS life, so YOU could have a relationship with the Father!!
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S11 Parts 2A ...
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S10 Parts 1K & P2K – 5-15-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S9 Parts 1I & 1J – 5-8-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S8 Part 1H – 5-1-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S7 Part 1G – 4-24-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S6 Part 1F – 4-17-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S4 Part 1D – 4-3-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S3 Part 1C – 3-27-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S2 Part 1B – 3-20-2023”
Click here for the PDF version of “EHS Live Session – S1 Parts 1-1A – 3-13-2023”
God's BLESSINGS, to you all and your families!!
In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
NOTE: These materials are copyright protected therefore you must request permission to reproduce any part of this material. To request permission, please contact Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, at drdehooks@abusedwoman.org. Click here for the copyright notice!
© 2025 Created by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD.
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